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I've had herding dogs that tried herding cats.  It didn't end well.



New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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My cats all know their names and my voice, and all come running when I call!


My husband says I speak "cat."



P.S. My border collie NEVER messes with the cats--he knows they all have sharp claws and are very fast!


P.S.S.  Did you ever see the video of the fat cat, Max, that fought off three coyotes at one time?  Remarkable!!

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Registered: ‎01-25-2023

Our cats all know their name, even the two that we adopted this summer. They also know each other's name, when our kitty Bob was stil living I would call him and every cat in the house came if I called him-they knew he was my baby and he always got special treats!! LOL!!

Lynn-Critter Lover!
(especially cats!)
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All of our cats would come running when they heard the electric can opener running.... they herd easily if food is involved.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

@FancyPhillyshopper wrote:



My cats all know their names and my voice, and all come running when I call!


My husband says I speak "cat."



P.S. My border collie NEVER messes with the cats--he knows they all have sharp claws and are very fast!


P.S.S.  Did you ever see the video of the fat cat, Max, that fought off three coyotes at one time?  Remarkable!!



@FancyPhillyshopper   ooonooo.gif......The cat whisperer.  Smiley Very Happy