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@NickNack  Henry is just the cutest!! I love his snow white feet.Smiley Happy

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@Tadaki wrote:

He looks like such a character.  Was he staring at you?



@Tadaki  I'm not sure if he was staring at me or not.  I just woke up, and he was sitting there.  It made me laugh.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Henry is too cute!  Maybe as he sat on your jewelry box waiting for you to wake up, he was also sending you a telepathic message:  I'm hungry!  Where's breakfast!  Get up!  

He is adorable!  

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@NickNack Thank you for sharing pics of your beauty with us all!  If I owned Henry, I would possibly post a pic every day that ends in Y!  Perhaps Henry wants jewels that will enhance his beauty!   LOVE IT

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

That is one gorgeous kitty!!🙂

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What a handsome fella.  So cute with that little beard of his & beautifully groomed.  Boy, he's got his eyes really focussing on you .. maybe waiting to say, "good morning Mom."

Thanks for sharing.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
I thought he had a.mouse in his mouth.