Posts: 38
Registered: ‎07-13-2017

Just grease the pole. It works



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Posts: 2,984
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I didn't have any axel grease, though I am sure my DH's shop has about ten different kinds of grease for any particular purpose, so I grabbed the vaseline this morning to grease the poles of our two standing feeders on our deck.  I put a large dollop into a custard cup and mixed chili powder in it, and spread it on the bottom of both poles.  I watched for a while, and sure enough, a grey squirrel showed up, couldn't jump to either feeder from the deck railing, and tried to go up a pole.  Slid right back down, and wow is he going to get an unhappy surprise when he licks his paws clean!  If he can remember that taste for even one day, let alone two years, he won't be back, the wretched little bushy-tailed tree rat!  Our black headed grosbeaks, mourning doves, nuthatches, towhees and juncoes do not need mammalian competition, the tree rats can have all the acorns they want and leave the feeders alone.