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Re: Got the medicine into cat

I am also a fan of wrapping the cat up and someone else holding before trying to give meds.


If you have a kennel with a door, try putting the cat in tail-side first.  He might not see it coming.  

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Re: Got the medicine into cat

@candys mine wrote:

@Sooner Just curious,   Was he more comfortable with you holding him than fighting for his freedom against Strangers?

IF it's a choice of my "Meanest cat ever" having to be Manhandled to get the job done, or me holding him wrapped up,  I think I'd be glad I was given the chance to try that first.

@candys mine NO!  Woman LOL  Comfortable was not in his vocabulary.  When I got married he would sit on me and glare at my husband (who was also terrified of him).  When people came to visit they would say to anyone with them "Don't touch that cat!"  


Smartest cat ever--he saw my husband two times push down the lever on the alarm clock, then knew how to do it. Hubby was making the alarm buzzer go off to irritate the cat, who had stormed through the house to see what that noise was!


We loved and cherished and were amazed by that old mean cat, but we knew how far to go with him.  And the cat knew how far to go with my father too!  We played but with caution!    And the cat picked on my mother for sure.  

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Re: Got the medicine into cat


@beach-mom wrote:

@smoochy - LOL! You're certainly not the only one to go through this!



Good luck with his visit!



How is he doing with his little sister?  Smiley Happy

visit went well. Maintaining his wt at ten and a half pounds. Has adjusted well to new baby sister cat and they are great pals. He doesn't use "his" litter box, only hers. Wonder if that's a dominance thing. I don't care as long as they both use a box. Life is good. Thanks for asking 🥰

Harmonize the World
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Re: Got the medicine into cat

@smoochy wrote:


@beach-mom wrote:

@smoochy - LOL! You're certainly not the only one to go through this!



Good luck with his visit!



How is he doing with his little sister?  Smiley Happy

visit went well. Maintaining his wt at ten and a half pounds. Has adjusted well to new baby sister cat and they are great pals. He doesn't use "his" litter box, only hers. Wonder if that's a dominance thing. I don't care as long as they both use a box. Life is good. Thanks for asking 🥰

@smoochy - I'm so glad his visit went well! And how great he and his little sister are such great friends!



I doubt if the litter box is his wanting to dominate. We have 5 kitties and 6 litter boxes in 2 rooms. I've long given up worrying about where they are, since we don't have teenage or college friends over any longer. My friends don't care. Anyway, even the ones who don't get along will use the same box. And it never fails that as soon as DH cleans them someone will use them!



I have to laugh at everyone's veterinary stories! DH will tell everyone I give cats human characteristics, but I know! They know too, and they sense things. When DD was a baby I made a new cat-loving friend. She had two and we would play with them while our children were in the playpen together. They were cuddly lap cats. One time DH came over. He was wearing jeans, not his scrubs or anything. Her one cat started to growl right away, and the other one- who was always around - ran upstairs! I told him they were probably worried they would get a shot. We all laughed about it.  Smiley Wink

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Re: Got the medicine into cat

[ Edited ]

How fun, adding a new kitty is fun and it sounds like you are off to a good start! Our cats do not have a specific box that they use, they seem to use whichever is most convenient for them. We have 12 cats and 11 litter boxes, we have no litter box wars. When we go out in the motorhome we have only 2 boxes but clean it several times each day.

Lynn-Critter Lover!
(especially cats!)
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Re: Got the medicine into cat

Congratulations!  My cat was a nighmare to pill.  Getting him into the carrier was like a minni rodeo. 


But once the vet tech got him out he behaved like an angel.  They would tell me how sweet he was when they had to work on him.  One time I asked are you sure it was my cat?