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@MyBoyRusty wrote:

When I adopted Rusty last June his shelter name was Tuna and I changed it to Rusty right off I don't if the people that owned him before me named him that or the shelter but I certainly going to leave his name Tuna. He's such a sweetheart his former owners were moving and couldn't take him with them.





I'm so happy for you, finding this little sweetheart. Yes indeed, I received this Same Song and Dance excuse, also- ' moving and can't take pet'. 

This has to be the *BEST* of all new excuses- YET, and apparently IT really works for a greater majority!


  VERY grateful that it was Y O U  that adopted Rusty. 

I appreciated your story very much. Thank you for sharing~


  Been here on the boards almost 5 years and found just about every EXCUSE created per person one on one, for everything! ! ! !

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Congrats on the new addition to the family!  Tuxedo kitties are so cute.  I wouldn't change his name because I think Zeb is cute.  Heart

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Congratulations. I tend to let the cat live with me for awhile so I can see it's personality before choosing a name. 

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@chessylady wrote:

I had to put down my sweet Buster in early February. Next weekend I will be getting a new cat that is about 1 year old.  He is a tuxedo cat rescue. The lady I am getting him from has been nursing him through a respiratory illness. She is calling him Zeb as in Zebra. I may stay with that. Do you have any suggestions for a name?




I have shared this before, but the sentiment is spot on with  rescues ....  and how we literally save their lives.   Heart





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Just wanted to stop by and offer my condolences on losing Buster.  It's so hard losing a fur friend but I'm glad you have it in your heart to bring someone new into your home, especially a rescue.  After my first one passed I never thought I would be able to get another.  It took three years but I did.  Now almost five years later, I have three rescues.  Wishing you all the best with your new friend, many happy healthy years together.

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I'm so sorry you had to lose your precious Buster.  But congratulations on your new little bundle.


We have a tuxedo cat whose name has nothing to do with what he looks like.  He's named after another cat, a tuxedo also, that we had years ago and whose personality he resembles. Like most people we started calling him many different things--cute little nicknames--after we got to know him.  


Why don't you wait until you have your Little Man (one of our cat's nicknames) around a bit to see what his personality is like?  You might know the perfect name for him once he comes into your life.Cat Happy

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@Venezia   i love your story and your devotion to your furry one.  i feel the same way about my Punkin and Izzy.  they are both Siamese mixes -  gorgeous and loving.  warning to all:  don't come between me and my babies!  attack Cat Mama on board!

@Venezia wrote:

@ms traditional wrote:

why Tux, of course!  good for you for rescuing the rescue cat.  all my cats are rescues and i wonder how people could have been so harsh/cruel to abandon or mistreat these little sweeties.  they bring so much love and joy.

@ms traditional - I think the same thing.  One of our rescues is a sealpoint Siamese.  I support a local shelter and she'd been with them for a year and I'd never seen her when I visited.  They put her on display at a Petco store, but the manager of the shelter wasn't keen on the idea because - in her words - this kitty was "so timid, no one will adopt her".


Well...the day they put her on display, I happened to walk by the store on my lunch break.  The clerk in the store saw me and waved me over.  The rest is history.  I went back to work, made the call and picked her up a few days later.  She wasn't just timid, she was almost feral.


She has had major dental problems (about $2000 worth) but, she's "our cat" and a member of the family and I'm glad I found her because we will always do what we have to to take care of her.


I wish you could see her - she's not the same cat we adopted.  She's pure joy; loving and affectionate and happy now.  It took quite a while.  I still laugh that the manager of the shelter warned me that I wouldn't be getting "a lap cat", if I adopted her.  Ha!  I have pictures to prove her wrong; sit down and Bella is in your lap!  She just needed to feel safe.

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@NAES1 - Thank you for the kind words and the same back at you!  I have loved cats from the time I was a little child - by the time I was a teen everyone called me "the cat lady". 


I will never understand how someone can have a cat (or any animal) as part of their family for any length of time, then surrender it, when it becomes inconvenient.  I brought my two elderly cats with me, when I moved back here from England 16 years ago.  If I can get them documented, crated, on a plane for a seven-plus hour trip, transported from the airport to a temporary apartment and finally to my new home.......then I see few excuses for anyone else.


They both lived to 19 years old.  Once I lost them, I "acquired" four more cats - one at a time, of course!  I also sponsor an elderly cat at the shelter, who is considered "unadoptable" and is happiest where she is.


The only thing I will say is that it's better at least for someone to do the responsible thing and take an animal to a shelter, rather than just abandoning it.


Thank you, too, for the care you give to your own furbaby.  Heart



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ms traditional wrote:

@Venezia   i love your story and your devotion to your furry one.  i feel the same way about my Punkin and Izzy.  they are both Siamese mixes -  gorgeous and loving.  warning to all:  don't come between me and my babies!  attack Cat Mama on board!



@ms traditional - LOL.  Yep, I know that feeling!  Woman LOL

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@chessylady - Be sure to come back and tell us how you get on with your new furbaby and what you decide on for a name.  Smiley Happy