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Re: For feeding birds this winter, what's the best thing you can use?

[ Edited ]

@AnikaBrodie wrote:

We feed the birds year round in PA with primarily black oil sunflower seed which we buy in 50 lb. bags.  Also finch and thistle seed and suet cakes.   Love to watch them come and go to the 8 to 10 feeders we have this time of year.  In summer we have many more feeders than that.  We also have 3 large bird baths and often watch them bathing or getting a little drink.  We add ice daily when it gets hot in summer.   Most of our back yard trees and shrubs produce berries which the birds love.  So much fun.


     Love the birds!


  Here's some more!


@AnikaBrodie I love your pictures.  The bottom one almost doesn't even look real with the five different types of birds on there.  It's interesting that they all lined up like that.  I love the Carolina wrens especially.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: For feeding birds this winter, what's the best thing you can use?

@HappyDaze wrote:



My only problem is trying to keep the weasels, sharp shinned hawks and red tailed hawks from preying on all my birds, bunnies, squirrels and chipmunks. Smiley Sad

It would be okay with me if they got the bunnies, squirrels, and chipmunks.  Smiley Happy

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Re: For feeding birds this winter, what's the best thing you can use?

@ValuSkr wrote:

@HappyDaze wrote:



My only problem is trying to keep the weasels, sharp shinned hawks and red tailed hawks from preying on all my birds, bunnies, squirrels and chipmunks. Smiley Sad

It would be okay with me if they got the bunnies, squirrels, and chipmunks.  Smiley Happy

That is kind of mean, actually. You must have never heard a baby bunny scream in terror when a weasel is attached onto their neck trying to kill them. Or a jay or evening grosbeak scream in terror as it is being carried off by a hawk. I think it is sad. I understand it is the circle of life but to pluck off unsuspecting animals at a bird feeder is not okay since I'm the one bringing them to the feeder. It is my responsibility not to let them get eaten by doing so.

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Re: For feeding birds this winter, what's the best thing you can use?

@HappyDaze wrote:

@ValuSkr wrote:

@HappyDaze wrote:



My only problem is trying to keep the weasels, sharp shinned hawks and red tailed hawks from preying on all my birds, bunnies, squirrels and chipmunks. Smiley Sad

It would be okay with me if they got the bunnies, squirrels, and chipmunks.  Smiley Happy

That is kind of mean, actually. You must have never heard a baby bunny scream in terror when a weasel is attached onto their neck trying to kill them. Or a jay or evening grosbeak scream in terror as it is being carried off by a hawk. I think it is sad. I understand it is the circle of life but to pluck off unsuspecting animals at a bird feeder is not okay since I'm the one bringing them to the feeder. It is my responsibility not to let them get eaten by doing so.

Thank you for that, @HappyDaze.

A very balanced and wise comment from a balanced and wise poster.


[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: For feeding birds this winter, what's the best thing you can use?

I also stick with black oiled sunflower seeds because it doesn't make a huge mess and most of the birds like it.  Also, I put corn cobs out for the squirrels and others...I use to do it all but I'm getting older and it is so expensive. In the spring and summer I feed the hummers.  I have Savannah Hollies, Weeping Yaupons and other berry producers for the Mockers...  In spring I put out meal worms for the Blue Birds and Mockers.  I love my birds and fellow birders!              

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Re: For feeding birds this winter, what's the best thing you can use?

Thank you all! I'm just a bit leary this year since I have 3 new cats in the neighborhood, so I'm still thinking about it. Love the bird pictures(colors) so I will try to figure something out.

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Re: For feeding birds this winter, what's the best thing you can use?

@qualitygal wrote:

Thank you all! I'm just a bit leary this year since I have 3 new cats in the neighborhood, so I'm still thinking about it. Love the bird pictures(colors) so I will try to figure something out.

@qualitygal there are still ways  you can minimize the risk to the birds from cat predation. Some tips are:

  • don't put any feed on the ground so not to put the ground feeders at risk.
  • Make sure the feeder is far enough away from trees, posts, fences, etc, things that a cat can jump from onto the feeder.
  • Make sure the feeder is tall enough so that a cat can't easily jump from the ground onto the feeder.
  • Add a baffle to the feeder post/pole to help minimize the cat's ability to climb up the post/pole.
  • Use a thinner, metal pole instead of something a cat can claw into to climb, like wood.
  • There are other tips online of how to minimize cat predation- just google them.

Good luck! I love watching my bird feeders. It is so fun and relaxing.

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Re: For feeding birds this winter, what's the best thing you can use?

@AnikaBrodie wrote:

We feed the birds year round in PA with primarily black oil sunflower seed which we buy in 50 lb. bags.  Also finch and thistle seed and suet cakes.   Love to watch them come and go to the 8 to 10 feeders we have this time of year.  In summer we have many more feeders than that.  We also have 3 large bird baths and often watch them bathing or getting a little drink.  We add ice daily when it gets hot in summer.   Most of our back yard trees and shrubs produce berries which the birds love.  So much fun.


     Love the birds!


  Here's some more!

Oh how beautiful!  I live in the NYC and besides the usual pigeons, sparrows and starlings, we actually have a nice assortment of blue jays, robbins and cardinals in our neighborhood. I put out birdfood pretty regularly. Occasionally some other rare bird pops up...actually anything other than a pigeons and sparrows are exotic to me: )

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Re: For feeding birds this winter, what's the best thing you can use?

@AnikaBrodie wrote:

We feed the birds year round in PA with primarily black oil sunflower seed which we buy in 50 lb. bags.  Also finch and thistle seed and suet cakes.   Love to watch them come and go to the 8 to 10 feeders we have this time of year.  In summer we have many more feeders than that.  We also have 3 large bird baths and often watch them bathing or getting a little drink.  We add ice daily when it gets hot in summer.   Most of our back yard trees and shrubs produce berries which the birds love.  So much fun.


     Love the birds!


  Here's some more!


Beautiful pictures...........nature's gift to us!