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Have any of u given Bravecto to ur dogs? I gave it 3 months ago to my  Boxers and 1 has renal failure and another almost died from pancreatitis. I do not know if there is any connection and they r due again for the med. My internet research has given me mixed results so I thought I would try this forum to see if anyone has had good or bad experience with it. 

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@Rose429 wrote:

Have any of u given Bravecto to ur dogs? I gave it 3 months ago to my  Boxers and 1 has renal failure and another almost died from pancreatitis. I do not know if there is any connection and they r due again for the med. My internet research has given me mixed results so I thought I would try this forum to see if anyone has had good or bad experience with it. 



These flea meds are all  toxic. I would never use this on my pets. 

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The best solution is to move to the desert.  It's so dry that it kills both fleas and their eggs, they dry, shrivel up and die.  I haven't seen a fleas in 18 years of living here in the Albuquerque area with up to 5 dogs. 


If this isn't a practical solution, there's a product on the market that does the same thing.  It's a desiccant called "Flea Busters".  I discovered it when I lived in Houston, the Motherland of all fleas.   At that time, you had to pay someone to come and apply it.  I think I paid $170., but I was desperate.   Now you can get it from various sources for less than $50., and apply it yourself.  One source is, you can Google others. 


Flea Busters is not an insecticide so it's harmless to pets and kids.  Like the desert, it dries up fleas and their eggs. They don't become immune to it.  It completely eliminated the problem I had. 


We do have a problem with ticks after rare wet winters. They appear in April and vanish about the first of June when it gets really hot.  The only thing I've found effective has been Advantix II.  I won't use internal insecticides because they poison dogs (except for heartworm meds). 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@SeaMaiden I agree.  I used to use them on my previous dogs, one died from kidney failure before her time, the other from cancer, although she was 14.  I don't use these products on my current dog, a 10 year old lab although I would like to find something not so toxic.  When the instructions tell you to not let your skin come in contact with the meds - or if that does happen to run the affected area under running water for 20 minutes I thought wow, if it is harmful to us then what the heck are we doing giving something so toxic to our dear dogs.  With the flea season soon approaching I hope to find something safer.

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@chlema wrote:

@SeaMaiden I agree.  I used to use them on my previous dogs, one died from kidney failure before her time, the other from cancer, although she was 14.  I don't use these products on my current dog, a 10 year old lab although I would like to find something not so toxic.  When the instructions tell you to not let your skin come in contact with the meds - or if that does happen to run the affected area under running water for 20 minutes I thought wow, if it is harmful to us then what the heck are we doing giving something so toxic to our dear dogs.  With the flea season soon approaching I hope to find something safer.

@chlema  I know it is difficult.  Just remember...a few fleas are a bother, but they are not deadly.  I purchase my natural flea products from OnlyNaturalPet.  You can go to the website  and see what they carry.  Very good reviews on their natural flea products.  I buy all my food from them and my dog supplements.  Great company! Great customer service too!

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Re: Flea and Tick Med

[ Edited ]

@Rose429. I sure wouldn't use that on my dogs ever again!
I suspect a flea treatment prescribed by the vet caused nerve damage and early death in my last dog. But while I can report my suspicions I can't prove squat.

I currently have only cats and successfully used a flea treatment (on the outside cats) that is dispensed once a month during active flea season. It is a fluid that is squeezed onto the skin between their shoulder blades, where they can't reach it.


This product is also available in a formula made for dogs. Your vet may want to check liver function and other basics before any other treatments are considered.

Posts: 40
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

My dog had a severe toxic reaction to his liquid flee medicine(frontline)after being on it for 3 years. His body just could not tolerate the blood levels these drugs use. I never gave much thought to it before that happened and too terrified to try any others. In my research many dogs have had fatal and life altering reaction to these drugs. These drug companies will also  reimburse 100% the cost if you bring back to the vets office that you purchased from by contacting  the manufacturer first.

So after battling flees on my own naturally for three months with everything everyone recommended, nothing really works dependably? I was exhausted from chasing flees and vaccumming everyday. A kind vet tech recommended for me to try comfortis that is designed for baby kittens or dogs 1 to 2'pound animals, another words low dose same category prescription med. It was amazing because within 2 hours of giving this drug flees were jumping off and they were gone. The drug affects the nervous system of the flee. The point is my dog did well because it was so low dose and there was no real need to give such high dose drugs  month after month in prevention when it really was not necessary. When I would see a flee again I would give the drug but not until then. This worked for my dog but after nearly losing him I will never use the flee medications that the vet/ drug companies want you to believe. Hope this helps.

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I use a product called, WONDERCIDE . All natural , and it really works ! It was on Shark Tank . Bought it off her website .

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@Chessa35 wrote:

I use a product called, WONDERCIDE . All natural , and it really works ! It was on Shark Tank . Bought it off her website .

Thank you @Chessa35 For posting this. I will look into this for a friend. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Rose429 wrote:

Have any of u given Bravecto to ur dogs? I gave it 3 months ago to my  Boxers and 1 has renal failure and another almost died from pancreatitis. I do not know if there is any connection and they r due again for the med. My internet research has given me mixed results so I thought I would try this forum to see if anyone has had good or bad experience with it. 

OMG @Rose429 this is horrific. They need to remove Bravecto from the market. I believe there is a website you can post and sign a petition about this drug to get it removed. My friend gave it to 2 of her dogs and one has renal failure. She got her money back from her vet and complained about this drug. Too many dogs are dying and having severe medical issues from this drug.