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Finally my cat used her petbed

We adopted a 7 year old beautiful cat 1 year ago and we could never get her to use her bed.  Well after finally putting one of my pajama shirts on her bed, she finally started using it.  EUREKA.  She loves to sit on or sleep on any of our clothes, dirty or clean makes no difference to her.  I wish I had tried this sooner.  Maybe she didnt like the fur like texture?  Maybe since she is a longhair it was just to hot but she like my microfiber pj top in her bed?  SWEET

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Re: Finally my cat used her petbed

My long haired cats don't use the pet beds I have as much as my short hairs, but they are more popular in winter. I have two that are heated to cat body temp and two that are unheated. 


I'm glad she is finally using yours. 

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Re: Finally my cat used her petbed

my cat did not want to use her bed either-then one day I used the last roll of paper towels and she sat on the plastic bag-

Voila-I put the plastic bag in the cat bed and she used it like that for years-

I used to kid around and say-I have to change her sheets!

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Re: Finally my cat used her petbed

About 1 1/2 years ago I got two 5 or so year old cats.  Brother and sister (orange and the girl is black and white).


He (orange) is so wonderful, so much love, so nosey, gets into everything, afraid of nothing.


She (black and white) afraid of everything, I've never picked her up.  She runs from me.


But boy does she love her brother!  I've had lots of cats but never seen two (especially her) as attached as they (she) is.  They lay together (his arm around her and they groom each other) in the new bed I just bought them.


There favorite thing is to lay in the pet bed together right in front of the radiant heater.  I get so hot I sweat, but they likeit.


I sure love cats.

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Re: Finally my cat used her petbed

I find it amusing that anyone's cat will use a pet bed!!


When I brought my Bogey home 18 months ago, he immediately claimed my bed as HIS .....  but he lets me use it.   Heart


Bogey especially likes it when I get up in the morning and he will then move to my warm spot ......  and he won't move from there until he's ready to start his day!    LOL

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Re: Finally my cat used her petbed

[ Edited ]

I bought a pet bed for my cats, specifically one cat who insists on sleeping in the bathroom while I'm styling my hair, LOL.  I figured he'd enjoy sleeping in a bed instead of on the bathroom rug.  It was a long time before he took to it, but now he sleeps in it all the time.  

"Summer afternoon-summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." ~Henry James
Posts: 22
Registered: ‎08-11-2011

Re: Finally my cat used her petbed

If you sprinkle a little cat ****** on or under the pillow on the bed they will go to it at once . Then they will continue to go to their bed.

Works like a charm!

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Re: Finally my cat used her petbed

Queen2000, are you referring to catnip? She can take it or leave it. The trigger for her was my shirt.