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Feeling bad about leaving my kitty home.

We're going away for 10 days and I have no family in the area to babysit my kitty.  My friend's daughter is home from college for the summer and is very reliable. I've arranged to pay her to stop by each day, check on my cat and feed her.  I'll leave the climate control to a comfortable temp and the bedroom window open upstairs, where she loves to sit.


Still, I'm feeling pretty awful about leaving her for so long.  

Does the situation sound unreasonable?

~ house cat ~
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Re: Feeling bad about leaving my kitty home.

I think your kitty will be just fine. Cats like their own home better than going to a boarding  facility. Just go on vacation and have fun.

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Re: Feeling bad about leaving my kitty home.

Cats handle it pretty well.  I lived in S Diego and had to work in LA for a solid month (came home two days in a month).  I just left those big feeding and water type containers for the cat and it was just fine.  Had neighbor check in once a day.  It wasn't a happy cat when I had to travel.  But it was okay. 

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Re: Feeling bad about leaving my kitty home.

I think your cat will be fine.  She probably won't be happy when you return, but she'll be fine.  I wouldn't leave the window open.  What if she pushed the screen out and you weren't there to look for her?  Even if it's never happened before it could happen.

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-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Feeling bad about leaving my kitty home.

Being able to leave a cat home for 10 days is a definite advantage over having dogs. 


My dogs have to be let out several times a day to do their business & if I put out more than 1 meal at a time in their dish? Gone in 3 minutes. 


Your kitty will have its litter box and someone checking in....Think all will be OK.


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Re: Feeling bad about leaving my kitty home.

I have left my cats home alone 2-3 times for that amount of time. Just make sure they have plenty of food and water. They will be great, and not stressed out at all that you are not there. You are a good person to worry =) 

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Re: Feeling bad about leaving my kitty home.

I've never left my cats alone more than overnight.  Other than that, I board them at a cattery that I trust.  I figure the cost is part of being owned by cats.


Having said that, as long as someone reliable is coming in every day to check on her, feed her and clean the litter box, she should be okay.  She will probably sleep most of the time.


I definitely wouldn't leave the window open for more than one reason!  Safety for your cat and security for your home.


Also, make sure your friend's daughter knows to not let your cat get out.  Cats can get spooked by unfamiliar people.

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Re: Feeling bad about leaving my kitty home.

@house_cat Hi, I have just one kitty as well and every time we leave for vacation my heart aches because I hate leaving her by herself. But, I do get a very good pet sitter and have them come twice a day instead of one and stay for 45 minutes or so just so she knows theres someone here for her. I also put cameras in my house to make sure I can keep a watch on my sweetie and make sure shes ok. She does get lonely, I can tell because shes sad and doesnt have anyone to interact with. Try to leave the radio on in the general area on a light volume so it seems like someone is home. Open the blinds, curtains, check mail, water plants. Pet sitter will gladly do all that. We've gone longest for 6 days leaving her and it broke my heart even when i was on the beautiful beach, all i could think about was my sweet kitty and hoping she was feeling ok. I love my cat and I make sure shes well taken care of. I think if you have someone check on her twice and stay with her for awhile playing, she would be ok. Hope your friend is reliable because Ive had a younger sitter once who had an 'emergency' and had to leave town before she even started. I was so upset. Get someone dependable and kind to your kitty while you're away. Good luck. 

~No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted~ Aesop
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Re: Feeling bad about leaving my kitty home.

@house_cat Your kitty will be just fine, you have someone reliable looking in on it, you have your climate control set at a comfortable temperature, it has it's favorite sitting spot, I would say your baby is being very well taken care of, but I do understand the worrying, I would be the same way.


I am sure you can check in with the babysitter just to relieve your mind of any worries you might have, I used to house sit for friends pets and they called me more often then you would think, it was never a bother!


Your a Mom it is not unusual for you to worry!

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Registered: ‎07-07-2010

Re: Feeling bad about leaving my kitty home.

@house_cat, I am sure that your kitty will be fine.  I have had my neighbor's son take care of my pets when I have traveled and they were no problems at all.  However, I am one who always has more than one person looking in on them, and I generally prefer my professional pet sitter, who also can do first aid and has a relationship with my vet.  I would suggest that you have the college student text you every day with a report of how your kitty is doing.  Believe me, you will feel better knowing that everything at home is fine.  Have a great trip!

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!