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Re: Dremel-type tool for dog's nails


You may want to look at the Invenho dog nail grinder. It's very quiet, and can be adapted to dogs of different sizes. I got mine from amazon.


I was hoping it would work with my small dog, but she still doesn't like it too much. It seems to be better at smoothing than trimming, but them I don't use the faster speed they say is better for trimming.


So far, I'm still taking her to get her nails trimmed at the vet's office, and trying to get her used to the trimmer between visits.

Looks like they've made some improvements since I bought mine. INVENHO Pet Nail Grinder Electric Paw Trimmer Clipper ...

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: Dremel-type tool for dog's nails

@Ainhisg  There are loads of how to videos on YouTube to demonstrate how to grind your dog's nails with a dremel tool or other types of tools that work like a dremel. They all demonstrate the correct way and give a bit of warning about some things to be careful of.  No guarantee your dog will be as mellow as the critters in these demos. 

Here're links to two videos to give you insight. One is barely a minute and a half, one is longer. This should easily edify you. If not, just search YouTube and view a few more how-to lessons.




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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Dremel-type tool for dog's nails

@GingerPeach  and @gizmogal , thank you!  This was the advice I'd been looking for!  @gizmogal , thank you for the direct links.  There are SO many videos on YouTube that I wasn't sure which should be trusted for technique.  @GingerPeach , this is the technique I'm using to "hopefully" get my baby trained for filing.  We are still on step 1 as he wants to pull his paw away. 

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Posts: 11,418
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Dremel-type tool for dog's nails

That's a great link for instructions!

Fingers crossed for us, @Ainhisg 

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.