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Re: Dog left unattended in hot car

Entering a person's unlocked car is just like entering their unlocked house.  You leave yourself wide open to accusations  of theft and anything else the owner wants to throw at you.  I know the OP ment well but things could have gone terribly awry. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Dog left unattended in hot car

I had the same experience - and in the parking lot at a TJ Maxx too - with other stores in the little shopping center.  i frantically had them page the people who owned the car with that license in TJM but nobody came. So I frantically then went to every other store (which didn't take long - it was a small shopping center) and then I did call the police and stayed by the car.  The window was cracked just a little - not nearly enough. I told the policeman to put his hand inside the crack, as I had, and feel how hot that car was inside, which he did.   At that point the people came out - like your experience, it was a mother and father and two kids around 8-10 yrs. old with a lot of packages.   They didn't see any problem at all.  The police officer had them open the car and then said he was going to talk to them and asked me to leave.  I was furious because those people never did "get it."  This took place in one of our wealthiest suburbs - these people were upper middle class I'm sure and  most likely well educated.  What's wrong with these IDIOTS?

I don't think they ever did "get it" and the problem with that is, they'll just do it again.  I don't remember the dog's breed but I remember the car - an expensive Lexus.  JERKS.

People should have to take tests before they are allowed to get pets!  To be qualified to own them!

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Re: Dog left unattended in hot car

@Nicknack wrote:

In Tennessee the law is that you can break into a car to rescue an animal.  First you have to try to locate the owner and call 911, but you can definitely break into the car.  This is an extension of the law that says you can rescue a child from a hot car.


Even with the windows cracked, the car can get over 120 degrees.  Dogs need to just stay at home when people are running their errands.

@NickNack  Good for Tennessee.  All states should have such a law.  Whoever breaks it should have to stay in a hot car with the windows rolled up or cracked only a bit  for however long they left their pet. (I know this wouln't happen but I like the thought of it.)

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Re: Dog left unattended in hot car

@Kachina624 wrote:

Entering a person's unlocked car is just like entering their unlocked house.  You leave yourself wide open to accusations  of theft and anything else the owner wants to throw at you.  I know the OP ment well but things could have gone terribly awry. 

@Kachina624 - there were several witnesses.  The manager of TJ Maxx was helping us go door to door to the other businesses to try to find the owners.  I didn't break in the car- it was unlocked thankfully. 

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Re: Dog left unattended in hot car

[ Edited ]

I would have asked the store to page the person, waited maybe 5 minutes and then called the police. Our state takes this VERY seriously and I won't fool around with that. It makes me sick. How many times do they have to warn people NOT to do this! Poor dog. Smiley Sad Thank you for giving him water and watching out for him. People make me sick.

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Re: Dog left unattended in hot car

@Kachina624 wrote:

Entering a person's unlocked car is just like entering their unlocked house.  You leave yourself wide open to accusations  of theft and anything else the owner wants to throw at you.  I know the OP ment well but things could have gone terribly awry. 

@Kachina624- would you not rescue a child in the same situation?  Would you worry about being arrested in that situation?  An animal is a living thing also. 

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Re: Dog left unattended in hot car

@hoosieroriginal wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

Entering a person's unlocked car is just like entering their unlocked house.  You leave yourself wide open to accusations  of theft and anything else the owner wants to throw at you.  I know the OP ment well but things could have gone terribly awry. 

@Kachina624- would you not rescue a child in the same situation?  Would you worry about being arrested in that situation?  An animal is a living thing also. 

But call the police. You do leave yourself open for liability by doing what you did as long as you are ok with that, then that is fine. I personally would never hesitate to call the police. At least in my state, they take this seriously and will come immediately for an animal and, obviously, a child.

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Re: Dog left unattended in hot car

@Pearlee wrote:

@Nicknack wrote:

In Tennessee the law is that you can break into a car to rescue an animal.  First you have to try to locate the owner and call 911, but you can definitely break into the car.  This is an extension of the law that says you can rescue a child from a hot car.


Even with the windows cracked, the car can get over 120 degrees.  Dogs need to just stay at home when people are running their errands.

@NickNack  Good for Tennessee.  All states should have such a law.  Whoever breaks it should have to stay in a hot car with the windows rolled up or cracked only a bit  for however long they left their pet. (I know this wouln't happen but I like the thought of it.)


Jeff Rossen did a segment on the Today show one time about hot cars.  I don't remember if he was talking about pets or children or both.  He stayed in a hot car as long as he could.  I don't remember how long that was, but he was dripping with sweat when he got out.  I kept hoping that the people that needed to see that were watching, but some people are just clueless.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Dog left unattended in hot car

Thank you for helping that dog.


I own two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and I am VERY partical to that breed.  I would surely have wanted to just rescue the dog and take it home with me.  Those dogs are VERY expensive and must be watched or they get stolen.  They are also subject to heat stroke and it is advised to keep them out of the heat.  I had to sign a contract stating that I would keep my dogs in an AC environment when it was hot out.


The owner was very irresponsible.  The dog could have died or been stolen.  Too bad the poor dog has such a bad life with its owners.


Maybe you should have called the police.  They deserve to be arrested, but probably would have just received a warning.

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Re: Dog left unattended in hot car

[ Edited ]

I have NO patience for this.  People have no sense in their heads.  I would love to lock HER in a HOT BOX and leave her while I go shopping, maybe then she would understand.