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I think we have bought every brand of Dental treats that are out on the market. We have bags and bags. All with one treat taken out.


Our dog has issues with his teeth. He must have been kept in a cage and he must have used his mouth to try and get out. His front teeth are worn down to the gumline. And his jawline is worn down farther back. 


When we brush his teeth it seems like we are brushing gums because of the misshaped jaw and worn down teeth. We talked to the Vet about getting his teeth cleaned. We got a quote of $700+. And the dog would have to stay at the hospital. The  dog does not care for strangers and I know staying much of a day and night at the Vet office will be upsetting for him and costly for us. When we got him, he had several other more urgent health issues that had to be addressed.

He would not eat dry food. We tried just about every brand. He finally will eat Rachel Ray and I think because the food is a smaller sized kibble.


So we thought to supplement his dental care we would give him Dental treats. Except he won't eat them. I suspect they are too tough. Is there a Dental treats that is softer? Or easier to chew?







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I think the point of dental treat to to scrape the teeth as they are being chewed to remove plaque.  It sounds like with all the issues, that I would just use soft food and soft treats for him.  $700 does sound like a lot, you might want to check around.  For me, if it was going to be traumatic to get his teeth cleaned, I would pass.


Bless you for taking care of him, his life sounds like it wasn't the best before you got him.


If you can't feed him only wet food, I would take the small pieces of the Rachel Ray food and put a little hot water on it, and stir it in like gravy to make it a little softer to chew.  Just make sure it's cooled down enough so it's just barely warm.  My dogs prefer that over just plain dry.

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How about giving him pieces of apples, pears, semi-cooked carrots, etc.  Fruits and vegetables are good for your baby and might clean his teeth somewhat.


I'm not in favor of doing unnecessary procedures.  That includes dental cleanings - think it's a profit-making mechanism; however, anytime anesthesia is administered it's dangerous imho and won't do it unless there's a very tangible health concern - not a whim!

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@CAcableGirl2 wrote:

I think the point of dental treat to to scrape the teeth as they are being chewed to remove plaque.  It sounds like with all the issues, that I would just use soft food and soft treats for him.  $700 does sound like a lot, you might want to check around.  For me, if it was going to be traumatic to get his teeth cleaned, I would pass.


Bless you for taking care of him, his life sounds like it wasn't the best before you got him.


If you can't feed him only wet food, I would take the small pieces of the Rachel Ray food and put a little hot water on it, and stir it in like gravy to make it a little softer to chew.  Just make sure it's cooled down enough so it's just barely warm.  My dogs prefer that over just plain dry.

It is funny that is how we pick the treats for him. We feel the package and try and determine how soft the treats are. But by far his favorite treat is a dried sweet potato with duck treat. And it is takes him quite a bit of work for him to eat it. But it is always the first treat he picks.

We feed him about 2/3 of a bowl wet food and 1/3 of a bowl dry food. And then mix it all together. Thanks for your suggestion, will give it a try.


We go back and forth about having the Vet do his teeth. I think we will get it done in 2018. But it is funny he seems to have a healh issue every few months and the teeth get pushed to the back burner. 

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Another possible explanation for his teeth being 'worn down' is that he may have been used as a 'bait dog' for fighting and his teeth were filed down deliberately by some sorry excuse for a human being.


The rescue group I work with has a dog whose front teeth were filed down for such a purpose, forcing him to eat using only his back teeth, which gradually wore down his jawbone in the back.


That could also explain why he doesn't like strangers.


Try pieces of raw baby carrots or slices of carrots, our dog LOVES his baby carrots and they're good for them!


God bless you & DH for taking this baby in!Heart

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@eddyandme wrote:

How about giving him pieces of apples, pears, semi-cooked carrots, etc.  Fruits and vegetables are good for your baby and might clean his teeth somewhat.


I'm not in favor of doing unnecessary procedures.  That includes dental cleanings - think it's a profit-making mechanism; however, anytime anesthesia is administered it's dangerous imho and won't do it unless there's a very tangible health concern - not a whim!

I will try the fruit. We have tried strawberries and watermelon and they end up on the floor He spits out carrots. We have tried other vegetables and they also end up on the floor. 


YES! I am also concerned about him going under anesthesia! When we first saw him to get him - the poor guy was coming out from anesthesia. He was a mess. He collapsed on the floor. He had the huge cone on his head. And is was tough trying to pick him up and making sure he was comfortable. It was horrible to experience.


Will try apples and pears.

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@KingstonsMom wrote:



Another possible explanation for his teeth being 'worn down' is that he may have been used as a 'bait dog' for fighting and his teeth were filed down deliberately by some sorry excuse for a human being.


The rescue group I work with has a dog whose front teeth were filed down for such a purpose, forcing him to eat using only his back teeth, which gradually wore down his jawbone in the back.


That could also explain why he doesn't like strangers.


Try pieces of raw baby carrots or slices of carrots, our dog LOVES his baby carrots and they're good for them!


God bless you & DH for taking this baby in!Heart



OH NO! That is horrible! What is wrong with people!


Our guy is a collie and he was part of a group of 10 collies. It was a backyard breeder. The breeder got cancer and his heath declined and so did his care for the dogs. We are sure no fighting was involved. But I suspect the dog was treated roughly because he dislikes men - except my husband. Who the dog follows his every move.


Will try carrots again - he has always dropped them to the floor. But can't hurt to try again. 



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Try slicing the carrots thin, but you mentioned that he likes dried sweet potatoes/duck, maybe try other dried fruits, but sweet potatoes are good for him too. 


The fact that it takes him a while to chew the dried food, that may be all the friction on his teeth that he can handle or needs.


Another fave of our son is green beans, fresh or frozen (dethawed)!


Keep us posted how your sweet boy does!Heart

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
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@KingstonsMom wrote:



Try slicing the carrots thin, but you mentioned that he likes dried sweet potatoes/duck, maybe try other dried fruits, but sweet potatoes are good for him too. 


The fact that it takes him a while to chew the dried food, that may be all the friction on his teeth that he can handle or needs.


Another fave of our son is green beans, fresh or frozen (dethawed)!


Keep us posted how your sweet boy does!Heart



You bring up such a good point. Maybe the sweet potato is acting like a dental chew. Thanks! It is almost the size of a steak fry - Thanks for easing my mind. 

Now what do I do with all these bags of dental chews?Woman LOL

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This might seem a bit much, but I often hull the strawberry then swirl if thru a small dish of yogurt.   (Eddy loves all natural greek yogurt with honey and ******e.)  Your baby might enjoy that - Eddy drools before I can even give him the fruit!  I think they also like to be "hand fed" sometimes, too!


I often do all kinds of veggies in the air fryer after sprinkling a little evoo and pepper first.  Brussel sprouts is one of Eddy's faves, and that might help clean teeth - not sure.  Sauteed green beans, or zucchini with a scrambled egg is a fave of Eddy and me also!  Again, you've got control of the tenderness of the veggies.


Though Eddy loves fruits, I sometimes treat him to hand feeding him apple/watermelon chuncks with cheddar cheese.  Eddy loves the sharpest cheddar I can find; but, any hard cheese is good for cleaning teeth.


Good luck - your furbaby is so fortunate to have such a loving mommy, @drizzellla.