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Does your dog hold a toy in her mouth and move her front paws up and down?

We know she may come into heat at any time. I wonder if this is a part of it. We have to let her go through her first one, since she has a hooded vulva and the vet says this will probably correct itself once she goes through it. Then we will get her fixed. It's the first time we'll be going through the heat cycle with her. 


With the other female we had, she was fixed early on. So I'm not sure about what she's doing now. She holds her toy (soft) in her mouth. I have no idea if this is normal for ??  She sets on her blanket with this held in her mouth.


Does anyone know this activity? My other female didn't do this. It's only about 2 wks. now that she's done this.  She's 9 mos. old now.


Any insight? Thanks.

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Re: Does your dog hold a toy in her mouth and move her front paws up and down?

[ Edited ]

Yes both of my dogs I have now do this and they are male. It is a comfort/relaxation thing. One dog does it with his favorite soft toy, the other with one of his super soft dog beds. It reminds me of the "kneading" of soft blankets or my clothes some of my cats have done. A few of my other dogs have not done this but a few others in the past have as well, all males.

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Re: Does your dog hold a toy in her mouth and move her front paws up and down?

Hi Qualitygal, Yes I have a cockapoo who we rescued and she is about 11 years old. She does the exact same thing. She looks like a kitten drink milk from  the mother. I too always wonder why she did this. Maybe you will get some more responses from your post as to why this happens. Happy Friday

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Re: Does your dog hold a toy in her mouth and move her front paws up and down?

my male does this while chewing on his fluffy hedgehog toy.