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Re: Do your pets ever get noisy in the middle of the night?

My dog is old - 17 - and she sleeps under the bed. At her age she gets restless and moves around. I am a light sleeper so I hear her nails on the hardwood walking up and down the hall. I also hear her barking in her dreams. 

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Re: Do your pets ever get noisy in the middle of the night?

[ Edited ]

I know it wasn't funny at the time but mini haha.gif


In Diary of a Sad Cat the cat says


"Dear Diary, It's 3am and the authorities have closed the door to the bedroom. I can only assume that they have forgotten about me and left me here to die. As a last resort, I have decided to stand post for the rest of the night and sing the song of my people, in hopes that they will rescue me"



It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines
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Re: Do your pets ever get noisy in the middle of the night?

When we first got our dog, if I was up during the night, he'd wimper, hoping to come out of his crate.  As he got older, that subsided.  He's 3 1/2 now and we still crate him at night.  I don't think it's mean to do that.  We call it his bed.  He often goes in there on his own during the day so I think it appeals to his natural instincts of being in a den.  Now if there's any kind of activity before morning (me being up in the middle of the night, DH leaving for work, etc.) he remains sleeping or at least remains quite while going back to sleep.


Our cat is very old and deaf.  She can't hear herself, but when she's ready to be fed, we know it.  She'll start whining while I'm getting ready in the morning and wait in the kitchen, watching for me to come downstairs.  She keeps meowing and checking to see if I'm following her to where her food and water bowls are.  She rarely drinks her own water, she seems to like drinking from the dog's bowl instead.

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Re: Do your pets ever get noisy in the middle of the night?

[ Edited ]

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

When we first got our dog, if I was up during the night, he'd wimper, hoping to come out of his crate.  As he got older, that subsided.  He's 3 1/2 now and we still crate him at night.  I don't think it's mean to do that.  We call it his bed.  He often goes in there on his own during the day so I think it appeals to his natural instincts of being in a den.  Now if there's any kind of activity before morning (me being up in the middle of the night, DH leaving for work, etc.) he remains sleeping or at least remains quite while going back to sleep.


Our cat is very old and deaf.  She can't hear herself, but when she's ready to be fed, we know it.  She'll start whining while I'm getting ready in the morning and wait in the kitchen, watching for me to come downstairs.  She keeps meowing and checking to see if I'm following her to where her food and water bowls are.  She rarely drinks her own water, she seems to like drinking from the dog's bowl instead.


She is doing that because she can, dontcha know, to show the dog who's boss. mini haha.gif


Kitty is always trying to lead me to her bowl, whether it's got food in it or haha.gif

It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines
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Registered: ‎12-07-2012

Re: Do your pets ever get noisy in the middle of the night?

My husband bought a Roomba (I think he was secretly hoping our cat would ride it like the cats on youtube), but ours would just turn it on at night and we'd hear it through our closed bedroom door, merrily vacuuming away until the charge wore down.


Hey, at least he worked for his keep, LOL.


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Re: Do your pets ever get noisy in the middle of the night?





Nuff said.







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Re: Do your pets ever get noisy in the middle of the night?

My cat isn't noisy during the night, but about 2 a.m. or so he comes into my bedroom, jumps on the bed and starts pulling my hair.  No amount of ignoring or ducking under the covers will dissuade him.  If I close the door, he won't necessarily meow, but he will lay on the floor and keep batting his arms and legs under the door until he finally gets a reaction from me. So normally I don't allow him to stay in the house all night.


He has his own ktty room, which started out as a guest apartment, which is off our garage.  It's air-conditioned, heated, and his highness has his own kitchenette and 3/4 bath, along with a queen-sized bed and kitty-sized perches and fuzzy beds.  He likes it out there and often will whine at the door to get inside during the day.  Spoiled much?Cat LOL

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Re: Do your pets ever get noisy in the middle of the night?

Yes. They like to walk around a lot and it's annoying because they also make sighing noises lol.

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Re: Do your pets ever get noisy in the middle of the night?

I am blessed with a little Doodle who goes to sleep when I do and wakes up when I do. There have been two instances in three years when he woke up in a ballistic frenzy due to odd noises, which I do appreciate. One time it was one of my closet rods that came off the wall in my closet bedroom and sounded like the world was ending. The other time it was a huge thunderclap directly over the house. Even if I get up in the middle of the night, he doesn't move. Good doggie!

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop
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Re: Do your pets ever get noisy in the middle of the night?

Just thought of another one...


One night our Milliecat was determined to get INTO the bedroom.  She and Rocko would often decide to play "chase" between the two windows (with rattlely blinds, no less).  Unfortunately, this "racetrack" was directly over our they were banned from the bedroom at night.


Anyhoo, she stood at the shut door and screamed.  This was accompanied by throwing herself against the door.  (Once upon a time the door had a latch that she learned to jump up, pull down and open....she was less successful when we changed it out to a door knob, but still tried.)


Laying there, silently counting her meows.  My husband whispered to me, "When is she going to shut up?"  I answered "31....32...33".  We both started laughing which egged her on.


She meowed at the door 143 times before giving up. 


I loved those cats!
