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Do you own a Boston Terrier and live in Salt Lake City?

If so, you may be getting a call from the police department. And he looks guilty as sin to me. Ha!!!







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Re: Do you own a Boston Terrier and live in Salt Lake City?

I'd bail him out in a second!

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Re: Do you own a Boston Terrier and live in Salt Lake City?

He can come to Mo and live at my house. Smiley Happy  That's so adorable

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Re: Do you own a Boston Terrier and live in Salt Lake City?

I think Boston Terriers are adorable!  This one is especially cute.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Do you own a Boston Terrier and live in Salt Lake City?

[ Edited ]

He was framed I tell ya . . . Oh goodness I would bail him out and run like the dickens with him . . . he is adorable!

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Re: Do you own a Boston Terrier and live in Salt Lake City?

@momtochloe wrote:

He was framed I tell ya . . . Oh goodness I would bail him out and run like the dickens with him . . . he is adorable!

@momtochloe, "framed"...tooooooo funny! Thanks for the laugh.

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Re: Do you own a Boston Terrier and live in Salt Lake City?

GUILTY AS CHARGED ! ! !  Sentenced to life . . . which can be served at MY HOUSE ! !

Life is tough, but I am tougher!!
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Re: Do you own a Boston Terrier and live in Salt Lake City?

Hey, I saw this mug shot on Zulily's website. He's a cutie,

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Re: Do you own a Boston Terrier and live in Salt Lake City?

 I'll BAIL him out, he can come and live with me. My family has and still does own Boston Terriors. Great loveable dogs. 

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Registered: ‎01-10-2013

Re: Do you own a Boston Terrier and live in Salt Lake City?

Image result for too cute word images