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Do you have a favorite small dog breed and why.

I have had chihuahuas, poodles, pomeranians, dashounds,  mixtures of poodles plus pekingese and cocker spaniel.  Probably others I cannot remember.  I think my favorite is the pomeranians I have had.  My last one died a month ago and I am so lonely.  He was a true companion.  The poms I have had are different from each other but always happy smiling dogs and make you laugh every day.  Anyone else have a breed that they are partial too and why....I have had large and small dogs and feel small dogs are the best fit for me....

Posts: 27
Registered: ‎08-29-2011

Re: Do you have a favorite small dog breed and why.

I had a Pomeranian for 13 years and loved her so much. She died in 1999 and took me until 6 years ago to have another dog. We got a Morkiepoo and am so glad we did. She so human, smart, lovable, funny and the sweetest little dog.

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Re: Do you have a favorite small dog breed and why.

I had 2 dachshunds,  boy and girl that I had for 14 years.  Loved them.  So sweet but very stubborn.  I guess that stubbornness added to their charm, I didn't mind it so much.  Very clownish and happy.  

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Re: Do you have a favorite small dog breed and why.

Small dogs are not for me - most are way too yappy and often more difficult to train than most larger breeds and most people just let them go untrained  rather than taking the time.  I do really like dachshunds after being around a couple that a relative had many times.     

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Re: Do you have a favorite small dog breed and why.

I grew up with a toy poodle, and it's still my favorite small breed. Though they can vary, and some I've seen are very jittery, never stop long enough to hold in your lap...but ours was the other kind...he was cuddly, comical, very smart, and definitely one of the family.❤️. Yes, as other poster said he could be yappy...but only when strangers came or he wanted something, lol.  And trying to rope the moon. Mind of their own.

That said, I love most small breeds I see...I'm just a small dog person.  Yorkies look cute and beagles (they don't get too big I think?)...king charles (again, they may be considered mid-size, but are sure cute as little puppies.)

But poodles still remain my fav. If I were getting another dog (in a condo now that doesn't allow them, & at this point I'm not wanting the responsibility), but if I ever got one, I'd probably get another poodle.

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Re: Do you have a favorite small dog breed and why.

I had 2 Malteses, my 1st was a male, named Crackers, and now I have Teaspoon, female.  Teaspoon is super smart, was potty trained in 3 weeks.  I got her from a breeder at 8 weeks old.  Very funny and playful,  bossed my big dogs too!  The only thing, I hate that they need grooming so often, and Teaspoon is 16 and has several growths all over, so i have to hand trim her by scissor.  Very time consuming and she's not as happy about it anymore.  I doubt I'd get another small breed, and certainly not one that needs grooming.  I love my Labs now!!

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Re: Do you have a favorite small dog breed and why.

@Dazlin wrote:

I had 2 Malteses, my 1st was a male, named Crackers, and now I have Teaspoon, female.  Teaspoon is super smart, was potty trained in 3 weeks.  I got her from a breeder at 8 weeks old.  Very funny and playful,  bossed my big dogs too!  The only thing, I hate that they need grooming so often, and Teaspoon is 16 and has several growths all over, so i have to hand trim her by scissor.  Very time consuming and she's not as happy about it anymore.  I doubt I'd get another small breed, and certainly not one that needs grooming.  I love my Labs now!!

lol...I LOVE the names! Smiley Happy

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Re: Do you have a favorite small dog breed and why.

 We have had a miniature schnauzer, a Dalmation mix, a Pom, two Shih Tzu's that have passed. Right before Christmas last year we found  brother & sister Shih Tzu puppies. We brought them home at 10 weeks old. & we are in love again. I believe they have turned into my favorite breed. They are laid back & very loving little dogs. We had a brother & sister before. They are not as hyper as Pom's once you get past the puppy stage. Even then they are not demanding except for attention! Got luck on your search! We have loved them all.

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Re: Do you have a favorite small dog breed and why.

We are cat people, that being said we also love dogs but haven't owned any.    Growing up though my grandparents had Pugs, my absolute favorite was called Mugsey and I have memories to this day of what a special little dog he was Smiley Happy

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Re: Do you have a favorite small dog breed and why.

while I’ve had chihuahuas and a Cocker Spaniel in the past, my son gifted me a Silky Yorkie almost 5 years ago that I just adore. She is beyond special and always by my side. She’s smart and loves on everyone who visits. Before Covid19 anyway.