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My Himalayan kitty, Missy, loves to sleep on my bed with me and sometimes this can be hard to put up with; she likes to move all over the place several times during the night.

But when I see her peacefully sleeping, all sprawled out with those little black paws curled up under her little white chin, how can I possibly move her? I can't. So I just leave her along and lose!

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Re: Disturbing a sleeping cat

There is an unwritten rule that states you can't move a sleeping cat. Doing so will result in severe penalties. Something everyone who lives with a cat should know about. 

"The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog."

Mark Twain
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Re: Disturbing a sleeping cat

Yup. I don't know how many times I've woken up in a strange position around one of the cats. 

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Re: Disturbing a sleeping cat

I had several that creeped in and pinned me down.  


One of them just loved to make biscuits.  One memorable night he woke me up and I was grouchy (and half sleeping) and I bounced him up and over onto the floor with my leg.  That fixed it, both of us were immobilized for ever after.


Not proud, but there you have it.

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Re: Disturbing a sleeping cat

This thread made me smile.  Everyone owned by a cat(s) knows the rules.  The cat allows you to sleep in his or her bed, not the other way around.


DH and I have often discussed how you can be in the most uncomfortable position but not want to move for fear of disturbing a sleeping cat, whether in bed or on a chair.


And we also marvel at how a cat can manage to take up an entire queen-size bed, so that you end up sleeping at an angle or horizontally.  We have three and these past few nights with fall temperatures, they've all been curling up together, not leaving much room for humans.  Smiley Happy

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Re: Disturbing a sleeping cat

Petunia has been sleeping right next DD since the nights have gotten colder.  Tess justs settles on a corner of the bed and conks out.


DD said it's like sleeping next to a little furry furnace.  If DD tries to move P over she thinks it's playtime and wraps her paws around DD's arm and starts gnawing.


I guess those 9 and 1/2 lbs. generate a lot of heat.

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Re: Disturbing a sleeping cat

I have 3 that sleep with me. Well, actually, I don't really get much sleep. My oldest is always juming on me and waking me up and the only time he meow's is in the night. The other 2 raen't too bad. If I put them out, they then start scratching at the door. The joy of owning cats.

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Re: Disturbing a sleeping cat

Has anyone ever figured out why pets, cats and dogs, prefer sleeping crossways on the bed?  That way a 10 lb cat takes up as much room as a 200 lb man.  Meanwhile you end up trying to sleep in 9" of leftover space, as allotted by the pet.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Disturbing a sleeping cat

Of all the cat's I'ver ever owned, none ever knew my bedroom existed.  All they knew was I disappeared behind a door from time to time.


Pet rule in my house....

I don't sleep or lay around in your bed, you don't sleep or lay around in mine.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: Disturbing a sleeping cat

@Mz iMac  lol.   We follow your house rule with regard to the bathroom.  Occasionally one of our "owners" will get the door open or lie outside the closed door chirping and putting a paw underneath the door.


I always ask, "Do I watch you do your business?"  I have yet to get an answer.