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We were able to get in with the ophthalmologist at the Vet School today.  She thinks she has an immune mediated disease of her eye.  When we saw the other ophthalmologist (who is out of town now) the last time he mentioned it could be that.  She wanted to increase her steroid drops from three times a day to four times a day and see if she improves.  If she gets worse I am to bring her back immediately.  She may need to add an oral steroid if it doesn't improve.


If no improvement after that she would do a biopsy.  She really thinks this is what it is though.  It will not spread any further than her eye, but she will need drops for the rest of her life.  Fortunately, she's good about getting them.  I am sorry she has an immune mediated disease, but it could be worse, so I am somewhat relieved.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Diagnosis of Frankie's Eye

[ Edited ]

The smooth collie I adopted and have spoken of so often, had Immune Mediated Polyarthritis.  I had 14 traumatic months of nursing her before we finally lost her.  She saw a canine internist at a speciality clinic.  Her condition was such that it affected her entire body.  It was an expensive proposition costing over $10,000 in vet bills alone.  It was considered an autoimmune disorder.  She was on prednisone in addition to other drugs.  I bought many of her drugs at pharmacies using Good RX.  It was especially sad as she was probably the sweetest dog I ever owned, had a crappy life with many litters of pups with a hoader, and mine was the first real home she'd ever had.


We'll keep our fingers crossed that Frankie's outcome is a lot more positive.  At least it's her eye and not her entire body.  There are many pets that require daily medication or shots so I'm sure she'll do fine.  You'll undoubtedly give her the best care possible.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Diagnosis of Frankie's Eye

@Kachina624  I remember reading about your Collie and her problems.  That's very sad.  The Vet didn't say anything about this shortening Frankie's life.  I'll ask when we go back on the 22nd.  I don't think it will though.


I tried to use Good RX at Walgreen's for Frankie's $100 eye drops.  They told me they can't take them anymore for pets.  It would have saved me about half.  I am very glad that I have pet insurance for her.  I've already spent close to $600 on this.  



The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Diagnosis of Frankie's Eye

@NickNack.   Call around and check with other pharmacies, including Costco which you can use without being a member.  Policies seem to vary a great deal.  I saved the most at a Kroger-owned supermarket.  Target also took it.  I hate Walgreen's and didn't even try them.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Diagnosis of Frankie's Eye

I hope things go well, NickNack. Good wishes for Frankie.

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Re: Diagnosis of Frankie's Eye

I'm glad you have a diagnosis, @NickNack.  Not that it makes life better, just a bit more certain, at least for now.


I once had an elderly dog who needed daily drops and she was quite good about it.  I used to say "eyeballs" and she'd stand quite still.  Plus, the word made me chuckle.  I'm not sure why I picked that word, but it worked for us.  (Eventually, the doctor and I decided she'd be better off with the eye removed, and she seemed happier after that.  I'm not saying this is what Frankie needs at all, just that it suited our own situation.)


As to the bird seed, you are smart to not let Frankie eat any.  Her body is already fighting to support itself with a diseased eye, so ingesting any potential hazardous items along with the bird seed is the last thing her body needs.  


I wish you both comfort and ease as you go through this with Frankie.

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: Diagnosis of Frankie's Eye

My rescue cat, KItters, is asthmatic and I fill her inhaler prescription at Walgreens.  Kitters qualifies for Walgreens' Prescription Savings Club.  I have to pay an annual fee of about $25, but I save 20% on her prescriptions - $60 per inhaler because they cost $300 before discount.


If, as you think, Frankie will need the eye drops long term, you might want to have Walgreens do the math for you on the Prescription Savings Club to see if it makes sense to enroll Frankie.  She'll receive her very own card.  LOL


Kisses for Frankie, and Henry.

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Re: Diagnosis of Frankie's Eye

@Kachina624 wrote:

@NickNack.   Call around and check with other pharmacies, including Costco which you can use without being a member.  Policies seem to vary a great deal.  I saved the most at a Kroger-owned supermarket.  Target also took it.  I hate Walgreen's and didn't even try them.



@Kachina624  I checked GoodRX before I took it to be filled, and Walgreen's had the best price.  It never crossed my mind they wouldn't take it, and I didn't show it to them until I picked it up.  I'll definitely call around and ask the next time.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Diagnosis of Frankie's Eye

@lynne6was7 wrote:

My rescue cat, KItters, is asthmatic and I fill her inhaler prescription at Walgreens.  Kitters qualifies for Walgreens' Prescription Savings Club.  I have to pay an annual fee of about $25, but I save 20% on her prescriptions - $60 per inhaler because they cost $300 before discount.


If, as you think, Frankie will need the eye drops long term, you might want to have Walgreens do the math for you on the Prescription Savings Club to see if it makes sense to enroll Frankie.  She'll receive her very own card.  LOL


Kisses for Frankie, and Henry.



@lynne6was7  Walgreens offered that to me, but I have pet insurance that covers prescriptions.  It wouldn't be worth the $25 annual fee since I have that.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Diagnosis of Frankie's Eye

@NickNack@Kachina624, so hard when the pets have serious issues.  Our Lily had three surgeries in 12 months a couple of years ago.  One on her eye, one to remove a cancerous pimple on her leg and one to remove a fatty growth on her chest which was no cancerous but getting very large.  She is terrified of the vet now.  No wonder.


@Kachina624, you dog sounds so loveable.  They know I think when we are trying to help.


@NickNack, I am so glad you have insurance.  Doesn’t take long for the bills  add up.  Definitely try Costco.  I hope Frankie does ok with the drops.  Good luck!  LM