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Registered: ‎03-02-2015

My little shihtzu the past month or so had discovered belly rubs. Never like them before, suddenly  I walk by , he goes belly up ,pat his head up goes the belly. I can't resist doing this when I see that little round belly! I am getting so  much exercise bending over... I now swear  if I think belly rub he actually rolls over belly up! This is so adorable. Got to love those little furry kids!!  Maryanne

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Posts: 792
Registered: ‎08-24-2011

How adorable!!! I know the feeling of seeing that tiny tummy- I have a baby Maltese and he loves not only tummy rubs but full body massages! Enjoy your baby as much as you can, they give such a precious gift to us with their love.

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Our cairn terrier loves belly rubs and comes up in the bed every morning, lays down, turns over and waits for his belly rub and massage.  He also loves to be brushed and combed.  (His groomer recommended this when he was a young puppy and now he wants to be groomed often.)  He has a favorite brush (small pink with bristles) which he will look for and bring to me routinely.  Love those cairns.  Heart

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Registered: ‎10-09-2012

When my morkie feels it's time to start her day, she climbs into my bed and waits for me to open at least one eye.  Then she flips on her back, takes a long stretch with one arm reaching the sky, and turns her head to me with that, "I'm ready for tummy rub Mommie" look.  Oh how I love her!!!