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Does anyone have an opinion about whether this works?  I have always been doubtful, but have wondered about getting some and spraying the carrier that I will bring my kitten home in with it.  Then I could spray her bed, etc.  Does anyone think it works?

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
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Re: Comfort Zone Feliway Spray


I have some and my vet uses it as well.  

What you might do is wear an old T-shirt several times (without washing) and put it in the cat's carrier so that it can get used to your scent.  Sometimes the "new" items we buy for kitties give off a plastic smell that is "stinky" to them.  I used to put rugs in the bottom of the carriers for my kitties.  I bought one of those cheap rag rugs from Wal-Mart, washed it and dried it, cut it in half and serged the edges.  As there is no rubber backing, there is no smell.  They have their designated carriers and their scent stays on the rugs.  

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Re: Comfort Zone Feliway Spray

@NickNack - It works for my cat when I take him to the vet. My vet recommended it. Unfortunately, my boy has large cell lymphoma and we go to the vet often. I spray his carrier and by the time we get there - he's in a zone. I bought it from Amazon.


Good luck with your new addition. Nothing better than furbabies Heart

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Re: Comfort Zone Feliway Spray

Yes it works just as advertised.  Because my house cat is a "biter/attacker" Feliway Spray was recommended by my vet.


I have a very agressive 10 yr old cat.  I use the spray once a month in his " home area" including the crate & bed. 


His feeding & litter box are in another area of my apt.  He has to come in "my area" to reach.  So I spray the "walk path."


When my  cat was a kitten I used the plug-ins.

When I moved 3 yrs ago, prior to moving the cat, I used the plug-ins in "his area."  Worked like a charm.



"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: Comfort Zone Feliway Spray

Thank you @lolakimono  @Mz iMac  and @nycgrl.  I will order some from Amazon.  I'll also put one of my t-shirts in the bottom of the carrier.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Comfort Zone Feliway Spray

I've used the plug-ins and they worked to calm things down, when I brought a new cat into the mix.  They do regular and "multi-cat" and that's the one I used.  I just plugged them into outlets in two different rooms.


I think you'll probably be just fine with the spray or towelettes they do and may find you don't even need them, since you're only getting one kitten.


When I took my Tonkinese to the vet this morning, there were three beautiful kittens in the display cage.  The assistant said "no one was adopting them" and she didn't know why.  She said they'd been there about 3 or 4 weeks.


Well, I have to tell you, I stayed strong and said four was my limit!  I'm sure someone will adopt them; they were mostly white with black or gray patches and were as cute as can be.

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Re: Comfort Zone Feliway Spray

[ Edited ]

@Venezia   That's too bad that no one was adopting the kittens after that long.  I ordered the Feliway spray for the carrier and bed and think I'll get the diffuser, too.  I just want things to go smoothly when I introduce the kitten to my dog.  If something might help I'd like to try it.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Comfort Zone Feliway Spray

These phermones have helped to calm whenever I've had a single or multiple cats.

Their plug-ins also work well.