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Re: Changing cats' food (wet)

Be patient with them @Lucky Charm, there has been a dramatic change in their lives in the past two months.  It is also likely the first time their bellies have been reliably full so they can afford to be a little picky.


My vet has a very strong preference for feeding both dogs and cats wet food so if you can get away with it the cats will benefit.  Tea's condition is the primary reason I have dry food at all.  I just can't have wet food sitting out 24/7.  I'd be afraid of bacterial growth and also because of the way my three eat. 


Tea eats when hungry but will snack.  Mosquito eats to live and walks away when full.  Taja lives to eat and would keep going back until the dish was empty no matter how many times a day I filled it.  I keep the dry food out of his reach but I can't do that with the wet.

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Re: Changing cats' food (wet)

Buy one can of any new food and give them each a taste in their own bowls to see how they respond. As far as gradual transition, it depends on the cats. Some cats have a more sensitive stomach. My Puccini is like that, whereas my other cats are fine with food changes. 

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Re: Changing cats food (wet)

@karlam wrote:

Some cats just eat dry food all the time so that isn't a problem only feeding them dry.  I switch wet food constantly with my kitties because they get tired of the same thing every couple days. As a result I buy about four different brands and switch daily. They have absolutely no problems with it.

Dry food is not healthy for cats and giving male cats only dry food sets them up for UTI issues and blockages. 

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Re: Changing cats' food (wet)

@Marp wrote:

None of my cats had digestive problems from switching foods.  Gastric upset depends on the individual cat.


An aside about the Rachel Ray dry food.  I tried it once and it was like giving my crew kitty crack (Temptations).  With one of my cats the consumption of the dry Rachel Ray was so extreme that I took her to the vet to be checked out.  The introduction of the Rachel Ray dry was the only dietary change.


Within 48 hours of taking the Rachel Ray away my little girl's appetite returned to normal. 


I had experienced a similar increased appetite with another grain free (sorry, I don't recall the brand) but not to the extent as with the Rachel Ray.   Vet said there was likely a common ingredient in both foods that stimulated their appetites. 


All three cats were affected but not to the degree of my female.  It was so bad I was sure she was diabetic.  Thankfully she is not, it was the food.



That's interesting.  I just started giving my boy Rachel Ray dry.  He eats mostly wet food and a 1/2 of chicken breast daily.  I found it odd that he was actually eating some dry food.  I don't see anything different behavorily with him though.  I was glad to see him eating some dry food for a change.  I have bought and tried every dry food on the market and he wouldn't eat it.  This is the only one he will touch.  I will need to keep an eye to see if there is any change in his behavior - that is certainly worrying.

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Re: Changing cats' food (wet)

@nycgrl wrote:

@Marp wrote:

None of my cats had digestive problems from switching foods.  Gastric upset depends on the individual cat.


An aside about the Rachel Ray dry food.  I tried it once and it was like giving my crew kitty crack (Temptations).  With one of my cats the consumption of the dry Rachel Ray was so extreme that I took her to the vet to be checked out.  The introduction of the Rachel Ray dry was the only dietary change.


Within 48 hours of taking the Rachel Ray away my little girl's appetite returned to normal. 


I had experienced a similar increased appetite with another grain free (sorry, I don't recall the brand) but not to the extent as with the Rachel Ray.   Vet said there was likely a common ingredient in both foods that stimulated their appetites. 


All three cats were affected but not to the degree of my female.  It was so bad I was sure she was diabetic.  Thankfully she is not, it was the food.



That's interesting.  I just started giving my boy Rachel Ray dry.  He eats mostly wet food and a 1/2 of chicken breast daily.  I found it odd that he was actually eating some dry food.  I don't see anything different behavorily with him though.  I was glad to see him eating some dry food for a change.  I have bought and tried every dry food on the market and he wouldn't eat it.  This is the only one he will touch.  I will need to keep an eye to see if there is any change in his behavior - that is certainly worrying.


@nycgrl, please don't be overly concerned.  The RR primarily affected just one of my cats; the increase in the others I can chalk up to liking the dry food.  If your guy isn't over indulging there is nothing to be concerned about.  If he suddenly starts gorging on the dry food then suspect an ingredient stimulating his appetite.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: Changing cats' food (wet)

@Marp wrote:

@nycgrl wrote:

@Marp wrote:

None of my cats had digestive problems from switching foods.  Gastric upset depends on the individual cat.


An aside about the Rachel Ray dry food.  I tried it once and it was like giving my crew kitty crack (Temptations).  With one of my cats the consumption of the dry Rachel Ray was so extreme that I took her to the vet to be checked out.  The introduction of the Rachel Ray dry was the only dietary change.


Within 48 hours of taking the Rachel Ray away my little girl's appetite returned to normal. 


I had experienced a similar increased appetite with another grain free (sorry, I don't recall the brand) but not to the extent as with the Rachel Ray.   Vet said there was likely a common ingredient in both foods that stimulated their appetites. 


All three cats were affected but not to the degree of my female.  It was so bad I was sure she was diabetic.  Thankfully she is not, it was the food.



That's interesting.  I just started giving my boy Rachel Ray dry.  He eats mostly wet food and a 1/2 of chicken breast daily.  I found it odd that he was actually eating some dry food.  I don't see anything different behavorily with him though.  I was glad to see him eating some dry food for a change.  I have bought and tried every dry food on the market and he wouldn't eat it.  This is the only one he will touch.  I will need to keep an eye to see if there is any change in his behavior - that is certainly worrying.


@nycgrl, please don't be overly concerned.  The RR primarily affected just one of my cats; the increase in the others I can chalk up to liking the dry food.  If your guy isn't over indulging there is nothing to be concerned about.  If he suddenly starts gorging on the dry food then suspect an ingredient stimulating his appetite.

Thank you @Marp.  I hope you're right.  I have no problem with his appetite being a little stimulated since he is an older boy.  I just worry that he is eating something that may not be good for him.  I keep him on a mostly chicken diet - even his wet food is chicken and as I mentioned I give him regular chicken breast everyday for dinner.  I have had so many cats with kidney disease and cancer that with this one I have been extra cautious.  He is 10 1/2 years "young" ...

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Re: Changing cats' food (wet)

@Lucky Charm wrote:

Does it really have to be done slowly or can you change from one brand to the next easily?


These are cats that were *wild* until about two months ago.  Lord knows what they ate!  When I started feeding them, it was only Meow Mix dry and fresh water on the side.


Now that they're inside cats, I've been feeding them Rachel Ray's wet food and a bowl of dry once a day.  They LOVE the dry and seems to waste the wet.  Used to eat it like crazy.


So if I change it in hopes to find something they'll like, how do I do it?'s not good to let them eat just dry food???


@Lucky Charm


I got my Bogey from a shelter at 3 months and he was accustomed to only dry food.   My Vet told me that wet is much better for them, as cats are notoriously bad when it comes to drinking water. This is where their kidney and UTI problems come from over time.   


Now, 2 years later, Bogey eats about 70% wet and 30% dry.    He likes to have 2 dishes at dinner time, with both his wet and dry, and alternates between the 2 dishes.   It's his thing.


As for breakfast, when he's very hungry, his only choice is wet.   Take it or leave it, Kiddo.   He has become accustomed over time to eat what's available.  I often add a TBSP or two of warm water to the wet food to give him more "gravy".  


I'm sure that, in their wild days, your cats would eat "whatever" if they were hungry enough.    Now, they're living the high life!   LOL   You can steer them to eat more wet, one way or another.   Perhaps serve them wet with a teaspoon of dry mixed in?   Trust me, they won't starve.   


Hope this helps!  


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Re: Changing cats' food (wet)

Thanks for all the replies.


Continuing to give them the wet RR food.  Box says they should be eating 3 1/2 containers (size of a shot glass) of the WET food a day.   Each!  


Mine aren't eating that much, but I still put it out.  They eat some and then lick the juice and then walk away.


The bag of dry food says amount to be given and always have fresh water out.  I'm still giving them the dry, too.  Usually at noon time and a bit for bedtime.


Mine are girls (mother and daughter).


I stress about it BIG time.  My husband says they would eat everything put in front of them--if they were starving.


Yesterday I also bought a wet dry food.  Looks like kibble, but it's very soft.  Must be refridgerated.  Fortified with nutrients.  Cats sniffed it and walked away.

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Re: Changing cats' food (wet)

LOL Lucky Charm, sounds like you have a couple of CATS!!!!


The good news is they are clearly very comfortable in their new surroundings.  The bad news is they are also clearly well on their way to training their staff (you).

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: Changing cats' food (wet)

@Marp wrote:

LOL Lucky Charm, sounds like you have a couple of CATS!!!!


The good news is they are clearly very comfortable in their new surroundings.  The bad news is they are also clearly well on their way to training their staff (you).



Thanks for all your help!


Because these cats are wild, they're very afraid, very timid. 


But I know they're safe and they'll understand that over time.


Just like our last cat, we'll probably never be able to pick them up, but that's okay.  I don't need a cat on my lap.


I did find a canned cat food that they devoured last night and today.  (Variety) Sending husband to grocery store now to get more!


Thanks again!