Posts: 61
Registered: ‎04-13-2017
Howie is 15 years old. A male. I never got him fixed because as a kitten he was kind of sickly and slow. And he never acted interested in the females so I just never found it as a priority. He stayed kitten size till about 5 or 6. Then he started filling out but his brain still remained kitten like. Anyway like I said, he is now 15 years old. About 3 months ago he started spraying, allot, all over the house. I have 5 other indoor cats that are all fixed. He has always been so well behaved. Always uses the litter box, still does. So I'm wondering what could cause this. I'd hate to get him fixed at this late in his life just because of this problem. Could he be going senile? He's also been meowing randomly until we call him, like he's getting lost or something.
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Re: Cat spraying

[ Edited ]

Sounds like he's decided to mark his territory and I doubt having him neutered at this point will help.  (Even neutered males will sometimes spray; I know because I had one!)


It could be that something is stressing him out.  His vision may not be good and you could be right - he's getting "lost" or disoriented.  Marking would help him find his way by scent.


I think the best thing you can do is take him to the vet and ask for advice.  They could at least do some tests to see if something organic is going on.  That he has no kind of infection, etc..


My 15 year old Tonkinese female often starts yowling for no reason at all.  We put it down to her age, but we always check on her to make sure she's okay.  

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I hear ya!  I have 2 feral cats that live in the rafters of my carport.  They both are fixed.  They have decided that my Van is their property.  They walk all over it and leave muddy footprints.  Worst of all they mark anything I put in the carport.  My Van stinks of cat pee from them marking the outside of it.  It's ok until I turn on the heater.  OMG.  They don't bother the other vehicle.  I have no way of keeping them from doing their deed.

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@Susan423 IMO a visit to the vet is in order. I've had male cats. All were neutered and none of them sprayed. They were indoor only cats as well.

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I am going through the same thing with my male cat, Bernard.

The vet suggested that we get a Feliway diffuser (available from Amazon) and give Bernie his own litter box. We've done both, and it seems to have solved the problem.

Apparently, older cats can get tired of sharing space, food, litter box, etc. They start getting territorial. 


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@LionS - I used the Feliway diffusers, when we had an issue introducing a new cat, to calm things down.  They worked really well for us;  I had one in each downstairs room and used them for several months.

Posts: 61
Registered: ‎04-13-2017
Thanks, guys. I am thinking about getting a feliway refused. Venezia, Thanks so night for your advice. He has had bad vision most of his life but it could be getting worse. So you could be right about him just trying to find his way. My other cats don't bother him or pay much attention to him but yesterday Howie sprayed on the brand new cat tree I got them for Christmas and one of them went after him and swatted him across the face.LOL. Couldn't really blame her.😀
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I had a similar situation with my neutered male cat.  I had brought in another young male  stray that he hated!  Plus I had a sweet little female feral that would go in and out of  heat so I think that brought out the instinct in him.  I did notice what appeared to be blood in the markings so off to the Vet he went where he was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection. I used to give him dry food  along with moist and the Vet had me stop the dry food,  Apparently that can create issues for male cats.  Given your boy's age that could be a factor.  


This was twenty years ago.  He did eventually stop doing this. My little feral, that try as I might, I could not domesticate, disappeared.  I think she went off and passed.  Another story but it broke my heart.   My two boys ended up living a relatively peaceful existence with each other until they crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. In my case I think there was more than one factor going on.  


I wish you luck,  Karen



Posts: 61
Registered: ‎04-13-2017
Thanks, Karen, So sorry for your losses. I've had ferals in the past and even though they won't let you get close to them, you still fall in love with 'em.💕
i might end up taking him to the vet. He has lost most of his teeth a couple years ago so he only gets canned food. I haven't noticed any blood but there may be something else going on.
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Susan423 wrote:
Thanks, guys. I am thinking about getting a feliway refused. Venezia, Thanks so night for your advice. He has had bad vision most of his life but it could be getting worse. So you could be right about him just trying to find his way. My other cats don't bother him or pay much attention to him but yesterday Howie sprayed on the brand new cat tree I got them for Christmas and one of them went after him and swatted him across the face.LOL. Couldn't really blame her.😀

@Susan423 - That sounds like there's some sort of tension building between them.  I'd try the Feliway diffusers sooner rather than later.  If there are territorial issues now, you don't want it progressing.


Animals are just like people; they can get along fine for ages and then something changes.  I don't know when Howie had his last vet visit, but I still think it's a good idea for a checkup.