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This tee is on amazon.


Is it correct cat owners??? Cat Petting Guide Funny Cat T-Shirt Cat Owner Gift : Clothing,  Shoes & Jewelry

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Re: Cat Petting Guide Tee Shirt

@ECBG pretty much!

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Re: Cat Petting Guide Tee Shirt


" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: Cat Petting Guide Tee Shirt

I don't have a cat, but that tee shirt is funny and cute!!

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Re: Cat Petting Guide Tee Shirt

[ Edited ]

I would say pretty accurate. Love the shirt.

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Re: Cat Petting Guide Tee Shirt

[ Edited ]

@ECBG Not quite! The last cat that late DH and I had (all were adopted from shelters) LOVED to raise her butt and be scratched lightly just in front of her tail where the backbone meets the tail! The first time she did this I laughed and said "Abbie, you little s*l*u*t but she loved it.

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Re: Cat Petting Guide Tee Shirt

@ECBG   Funny!  That certainly is my current cat.  And many others too - that t shirt can serve as a public safely announcement!  But really cats can come in all varieties of temperaments, likes, etc.  I've had a couple of kitties who loved having their feet/paws touched.  Just loved it.  One in particular we used to hold 'hands'.  Some loved having their tails touched.  However, with one of my lovely cats,  if I even said - umm, let me see your tail - I'm going to touch your tail - he got so mad at me!!!  It was so funny.  

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Re: Cat Petting Guide Tee Shirt

I have 4 cats. 2 love their stomach rubs,one is indifferent.The other....I would have a bloody stump if I tried it!Cat Mad

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Re: Cat Petting Guide Tee Shirt

I have one cat, Oliver who you can pat pretty much anywhere as long as he's in the mood. Char likes her head and body rubbed but no to the feet and tummy unless she's sleepy, Smudge doesn't mind patting anywhere and Sheba likes it within reason but when she is done she just walks away. 

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Re: Cat Petting Guide Tee Shirt

First mistake of cat petting is wearing black.