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Cat Getting Neutered Tomorrow -- Any Advice for Me?



First-time pet owner.  A stray that we found a few months ago is scheduled to be neutered tomorrow morning.  Vet says he will need to be in a cone, will likely be lethargic, etc.  


What do I need to  know about the post-op care plan?  Any special advice for me?  I'll be the one home with him and, honestly, I'm not very hands-on with him.  


Suggestions, advice, tips are appreciated.



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Re: Cat Getting Neutered Tomorrow -- Any Advice for Me?

Congrats on being a responsible pet owner. And God will bless you for adopting this stray.

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Re: Cat Getting Neutered Tomorrow -- Any Advice for Me?

Not that I really have any special advise but I would just make sure you have a quiet comfy spot for him as he will want to sleep and rest which is normal.  Just keep a close eye and follow the post op instructions from the Vet.   You are a good person for adopting him.

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Re: Cat Getting Neutered Tomorrow -- Any Advice for Me?

I've never had a kitty come home from being fixed with a cone on but I do know they might try to take it off. If he does just make sure he isn't constantly licking the area. You really don't need to leave the cone on more than maybe a day. Other than that kitty will pretty much sleep the rest of the day. They next day he will be ready to be his old self. Have plenty of fresh water and food available for when he's ready. It will be difficult to eat and drink with that cone on so you might have to improvise. Provided you can keep the cone on in the first place. If you can, you could maybe find a soft cone vs a hard plastic cone. They're smaller and more comfortable. 

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Registered: ‎06-01-2010

Re: Cat Getting Neutered Tomorrow -- Any Advice for Me?

I've had a few male cats over the years that had to be neutered after adoption and I've always found it was a much easier recovery than the females had in being spade. He will be quite sleepy when you take him home, but once the anesthesia wears off, cats usually recover pretty quickly, depending upon their age. I remember being told to allow their food and water in small amounts in case they might be a little nausea prone. You will be told how long to keep the cone on and he probably won't like it at first since it will hinder eating and drinking. You'll have to watch the surgery site for any signs of infection. Monitor his behavior and litter box use. Keep him in a quiet area the first day or so. If sutures are used, the dissolving ones are usually used now so that's easy.


Congratulations on having your beautiful friend Heart

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Re: Cat Getting Neutered Tomorrow -- Any Advice for Me?

@BarbiHollywood  I have a small horse farm and over the years have had quite a few feral kitties find their way to my barn.  I have them spayed or neutered by my wonderful local feral cat organization.  The most important thing to know is to keep them in a nice quiet area for a couple days.  I've never had a cone for them and they do fine.  You will do just fine and he will be good as new in a few days. 

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Re: Cat Getting Neutered Tomorrow -- Any Advice for Me?

I've had three male cats that I got neutered.  None of them had or needed a cone.  I don't remember any of them particularly interested in bothering the surgical site either.  Depending on how long after surgery the cat comes home, he may be sleepy and probably not very interested in food.  If he does seem hungry, don't let him eat much at first.  Give a little food at intervals to see if he keeps it down.  He probably will have been given a pain injection that may affect how he feels for a bit.


Male neutering is much easier than female and is basically a very quick and easy surgery.  I never had any complications from any of mine.


Unless he's having other things done while under anesthesia, he should be fine.  Just keep an eye on him and if you feel there is a problem, call your vet.  My vets always call me the following day to see how my animals are doing so I can ask any questions I might have.


Your little guy should do just fine!

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Re: Cat Getting Neutered Tomorrow -- Any Advice for Me?

Ah, thanks for rescuing this stray. You'll be a good kitty nurse, just follow discharge instructions the best you can. 


Years ago, I had two male cats (litter mates) neutered. The Vet never suggested cones, and they weren't needed. The cats never bothered the surgical sites and by the second day, they were back to their normal, playful behaviors, as if nothing had happened. 

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Re: Cat Getting Neutered Tomorrow -- Any Advice for Me?

I've had every cat that I've been lucky enough to be owned by, male or female, neutered or spayed.  None of them ever had to have a cone and none of them ever bothered the incision site.


The female rescue that we just adopted in August had been spayed just before we brought her home and she was fine; no cone.


I agree with the suggestions to make sure he has a warm, comfortable place to sleep and starting with small amounts of food to begin with.  I'm sure he'll recover soon enough.


And thank you for giving this lucky kitty a home.


"A little learning is a dangerous thing." Alexander Pope
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Re: Cat Getting Neutered Tomorrow -- Any Advice for Me?

Thank you for adopting a homeless guy.  Blessings to all.


Based on my fellows, it is just a wee snip and cones are not tolerated.  But worth a try and do keep an eye it.