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Re: Carpet Stain - Dog Vomit

I am amazed by this product. You might want to give it a try. 412KSBD+qGS._AC_.jpg

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Re: Carpet Stain - Dog Vomit

We have an older shelter kitty who has some digestive issue( I think that's why she was given up).


I've had great luck with white vinegar and baking fizzes up...In a pinch(only yesterday).I used a Lysol disinfectant wipe and most of the stain came up..

Next time I'm going to try hand sanitizer..t's alcohol..

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Re: Carpet Stain - Dog Vomit

@BunSnoop ,  although I don't have any carpeting, I used to love ScotchGauard carpet cleaner.  It's a foam, and it works very well.   I have a can, and I sometimes use is on my couch, and it's fantastic for that too.

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Re: Carpet Stain - Dog Vomit

@Dazlin wrote:

@BunSnoop ,  although I don't have any carpeting, I used to love ScotchGauard carpet cleaner.  It's a foam, and it works very well.   I have a can, and I sometimes use is on my couch, and it's fantastic for that too.

I never knew Scotch Guard made a carpet cleaner..

Is it a spray foam?..Where can I find it ..if I may ask.

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Re: Carpet Stain - Dog Vomit

I swear by Campenelli carpet foam cleaner. Just spray it on the stain and let it work. Vacuum when dry. Depending on the carpet fibers and color and the stain you may have to apply a second coat. I have GSD's and the largest one has tummy issues. This is wht works for us. Good Luck.  

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Re: Carpet Stain - Dog Vomit

When we got our dog he had never been to a Vet. He was about 6 years old. So the poor guy had alot of catching up. And he had Lyme disease, infected ears, allergic to fleas and lots of shots. He was on heavy doses of antibiotics for the Lyme disease.


The poor guy was not able to handle all the medicine that the Vet was giving him. So he was getting sick all over the house when we first brought him home. I tried to clean it up with Resolve. But after a few days it seemed that the stain reappeared.


I ended up buying the Hoover Spotscrubber. It was wonderful. Cleaned all the spots and the spots never came back. Even the older stains that had reappeared disappeared.

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Re: Carpet Stain - Dog Vomit

@drizzellla I foster rescues and many of them have to go on the long regimen of meds for Lymes. My go-to is lots of bread and rice. Keep bread or rice in their tummy's so the meds don't upset them. Crackers work as well. I took a cheap loaf of white bread and opened it so it would start to get crunchy. Crumble a slice with their food. So far that seems to be the trick. 

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Re: Carpet Stain - Dog Vomit

@CritterKeeper wrote:

@drizzellla I foster rescues and many of them have to go on the long regimen of meds for Lymes. My go-to is lots of bread and rice. Keep bread or rice in their tummy's so the meds don't upset them. Crackers work as well. I took a cheap loaf of white bread and opened it so it would start to get crunchy. Crumble a slice with their food. So far that seems to be the trick. 


Thank you for your helpful tip. And thank you for fostering rescues. Fostering is what makes rescues work. Our rescue group never knew when they would be getting a dog. Or when we got our dog, the rescue group got 10 dogs at once. Thank you for the work you do.

Our guy lived on hamburger or chicken and rice often. He is no longer with us. After 7 wonderful years together he passed away over a year ago.


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Re: Carpet Stain - Dog Vomit

@Somertime, I ordered Furry Freshness from their web-site and received it within just a few days.


I followed the directions and applied it to the spots that still showed the faint yellow's now gone!!!!


Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Carpet Stain - Dog Vomit

I use Nature's Miracle as well. I enzymes seem to work on my carpet. Best of luck.