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Re: Bodie my male pacific parrotlet

Oh nice! I have a male Parrotlet named Paco. He is a green split to blue (whatever that means. The breeder told me that) and he looks alot like you Bodie. They have alot of attitude don't they? Paco makes me laugh when he scolds me for taking his water bottle and filling it with fresh water. I think he is saying Parrotlet curse words to me.    

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Re: Bodie my male pacific parrotlet

Bodie is beautiful.  I used to have a parrotlet named Coco. She was so sweet.

(formerly NickNack)
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Re: Bodie my male pacific parrotlet


@birkin baby wrote:

How beautiful!  I'm sure he brings you lots of joy and laughs.

I love birds. I have a Senegal parrot named Sweet Pea,a dusky headed conure named Nemo ( so loud and moody that we jokingly call him Meano), a cockatiel named Lieutenant Dan ( because one of his parents chewed off his little feet when he was a baby ) which I  adopted from a pet store that was closing down and no one wanted him, and a finch I adopted from an older lady going into a nursing home.  Birds can be so fun and a challenge too. 



Clever name for your cockatiel!!! I'm a big fan of Gary Sinise in anything. The Lt. Dan character was terrific and he was perfect in it.

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Registered: ‎10-15-2010

Re: Bodie my male pacific parrotlet

OP, thanks sooo much for this post!!!


I've been heartbroken ever since I came back from living abroad for close to a year in February and having to leave behind my puppy. I bottle fed her from 3 days old since her mom could not produce milk and I love her to pieces. But since she is a large breed dog (boxer/rottweiler) who is actually on the more larger side since her dad is humongous. I'm not allowed large dogs in my co-op.


I've been struggling to come to terms with not being able to have my dog with me and trying to find a small breed dog instead. However, the only dog I want is my babygirl Smiley Sad .


Your post made me so happy because I never considered getting a companion bird. I looked up parrotlets till 3 am last night and I found a highly rated avian specialty store in NYC. When I come back from my trip I will go there and see what they have and hopefully find my perfect little furry companion. I'm doing a lot of research and so far I have the right lifestyle for a parrotlet. Thanks again!!!

~Live with Intention~
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Re: Bodie my male pacific parrotlet

he is a cutie!  You must be taking excellent care of him to live so long.

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Registered: ‎07-29-2014

Re: Bodie my male pacific parrotlet

@birkin baby wrote:

How beautiful!  I'm sure he brings you lots of joy and laughs.

I love birds. I have a Senegal parrot named Sweet Pea,a dusky headed conure named Nemo ( so loud and moody that we jokingly call him Meano), a cockatiel named Lieutenant Dan ( because one of his parents chewed off his little feet when he was a baby ) which I  adopted from a pet store that was closing down and no one wanted him, and a finch I adopted from an older lady going into a nursing home.  Birds can be so fun and a challenge too.  



Poor little guy... does he have tiny prosthetic feeties?

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Posts: 10,377
Registered: ‎07-29-2014

Re: Bodie my male pacific parrotlet

@NycVixen wrote:

OP, thanks sooo much for this post!!!


I've been heartbroken ever since I came back from living abroad for close to a year in February and having to leave behind my puppy. I bottle fed her from 3 days old since her mom could not produce milk and I love her to pieces. But since she is a large breed dog (boxer/rottweiler) who is actually on the more larger side since her dad is humongous. I'm not allowed large dogs in my co-op.


I've been struggling to come to terms with not being able to have my dog with me and trying to find a small breed dog instead. However, the only dog I want is my babygirl Smiley Sad .


Your post made me so happy because I never considered getting a companion bird. I looked up parrotlets till 3 am last night and I found a highly rated avian specialty store in NYC. When I come back from my trip I will go there and see what they have and hopefully find my perfect little furry companion. I'm doing a lot of research and so far I have the right lifestyle for a parrotlet. Thanks again!!!



some Parrotlet babies...  8)


1739120.jpg (400×264)


a gorgeous Hyacinth Macaw and a Parrotlet,  LOL...


37e809225a891388a92970489c9b7c84.jpg (236×354)

Posts: 20
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Bodie my male pacific parrotlet

I am so pleased everybody loved my post of Bodie.  Birds are very much different then dogs or cats.  


I am very blessed to share my life with such a wonderful and different animal.  I learn new things everyday.


Here is another one of my many favorite pictures of him.



Posts: 20
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Bodie my male pacific parrotlet

Wow 23 yrs young for your tiel.  Amazing creatures they are for sure.