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Re: Asking for prayers for sick dog.

@Grama3 wrote:

Thank you for your kind words. I don't know what else to do but ask for prayers. My baby had her lymph nodes very swollen, and they took 5 aspirations before they finally got what they needed to send off to College Station Texas for a specialist to look at this, and her cancer is in her thyroid, and lymph nodes, and they said that she could have surgery, and then chemo, but after going through a teeth cleaning, under anesthesia,  they had to quickly bring her out from under, because her blood pressure was dropping really fast. She woke up, and I brought her home. Then came all of the tests. She has had one seizure, right after having one of those aspirations.  So I made the awful decision to not do surgery or chemo because I know that would kill her on the table. I won't let my baby be a guinea pig. 

I really do not know how I am going to face life without her. She sleeps with me, and won't let me out of her sight ever. Now, I won't even leave this house because I can't let her get upset.  I will stay by her side until the time comes, to make the decision to let her go. She still eats right I might have just a little time with her, and that time is being spent doing what she wants to do......thank you for prayers. I need all that I can get. I do believe in prayers. I will pray for all of you on this pet forum that are going through the very same thing I am going through. Good luck and God Bless to you all.



God Bless ad Prayers to you and your precious baby...

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Registered: ‎05-22-2014

Re: Asking for prayers for sick dog.

[ Edited ]

Grama3, My heart and prayers go out to you during this terrible time.  

You have made sound decisions.  We ended up giving a kitty chemo, which I thought I would never do.  Our vet thought it would buy our Callie kitty a few more good years.  It didn't work.  No matter what happens, don't ever second guess your decisions.


Prayers and best wishes to you and your baby.


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Re: Asking for prayers for sick dog.

I can understand your frustration and emotions.  We adore our pets and want the best for them, but then when you consider their age, pain, compromised quality of life, and wonder how much is too much to put them through with more and more testing, it hurts our hearts to think about it all.  I wish you and Grady the best.   

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Re: Asking for prayers for sick dog.

Prayers for you and your furbaby..

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Re: Asking for prayers for sick dog.

Back from the vet, and surprisingly I held it together very well. I actually felt good seeing him, and not so sad as I thought I would be. I expected to be crying, but didn't feel the need to (I seem to be saving that for when I'm home alone and every nook and cranny he frequents seems so empty).


He was very active, but so stressed, as he does have anxiety issues, and is really only content when he is home in his own environment. Has never like car rides, or being in public. Just a home body.


He should be asleep now and undergoing his proceedure. I feel that no answers are going to be found with this, but it may rule out some things, and that is I guess they way they often diagnosis things. 


We should hear from the vet later tonight, and if there is anything to tell I'll check in. In the mean time, I'm going to try to stay busy around here and keep my mind off of the whole affair. 


Again, thanks to everyone for the support. Means so much.

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Re: Asking for prayers for sick dog.

@Mominohio wrote:

Back from the vet, and surprisingly I held it together very well. I actually felt good seeing him, and not so sad as I thought I would be. I expected to be crying, but didn't feel the need to (I seem to be saving that for when I'm home alone and every nook and cranny he frequents seems so empty).


He was very active, but so stressed, as he does have anxiety issues, and is really only content when he is home in his own environment. Has never like car rides, or being in public. Just a home body.


He should be asleep now and undergoing his proceedure. I feel that no answers are going to be found with this, but it may rule out some things, and that is I guess they way they often diagnosis things. 


We should hear from the vet later tonight, and if there is anything to tell I'll check in. In the mean time, I'm going to try to stay busy around here and keep my mind off of the whole affair. 


Again, thanks to everyone for the support. Means so much.

gosh - my heart goes out to you as having a sick pet is always so tough.  i know just being around you, being home is a good tonic for your little one.  the vet will do his part and you will do everything you can to make your dog as well taken care of and as loved as you can.   i'd say, stay in the moment if you can.  life is moments -  and these are important ones to share.  hopefully there is a good solution in the offing.  prayers up.

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Re: Asking for prayers for sick dog.

I didn't see this thread earlier.


@Mominohio and @Grama3, my heart goes out to you.  Sending prayers and positive thoughts.



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Re: Asking for prayers for sick dog.

Sending prayers for Grady!

Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours brighter.
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Re: Asking for prayers for sick dog.



Vet called about 8 this evening and said that Grady's EKG was good, so they put him out, and did a thorough inspection of his throat. They found a mass on his tonsil and removed it. Being sent away. From reading on the Internet, high probability it could be cancer. But we will cross that bridge later.


He was up and perky after surgery, and if they can get him to eat and drink (and those functions that follow) we hope to have him home soon.


This area was what I was telling them to focus on, as I'd seen a change in bark, eating and chewing habits, etc. While the news coming may not be exactly good, at least we now have an answer. We will await the lab report, and make decisions about just how far we want to pursue further treatment (as the web doesn't offer much positive comment there either). Trying not to put the cart before the horse, but just trying to anticipate what may be suggested.


Feeling somewhat relieved that we at least now know something, which is better than the constant not knowing. 

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Re: Asking for prayers for sick dog.

Thanks for taking the time to update us.  We will keep your beloved Grady in our prayers!