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Re: All I did was just take out the trash..........

Things happen for a reason so just enjoy every minute with this sweet pup.  I got all my animals in wonderous strange ways and never regretted it.  Good luck!

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Re: All I did was just take out the trash..........

@NickNack I am calling him Wolfgang.......I have found out, thru talking with an ex Investigator with the Sheriff's office, that was mowing grass on the day he showed up, that he witnessed the pup being thrown out of a truck....I guess, HE NOW HAS A HOME AND IS MY LITTLE WOLFGANG!!!!!!!! I have called the vet, and I can take him in on Friday, and get a good bath, and nails clipped, and get all of his shots, and set up for a neuter.....I will go tomorrow and get him a bed, and proper food, and start training him to the doggie door and fence.....They will try to age and identify him as I can say "mommie" says......Heart  People are sooooo cruel and inhumane....Cat Sad

The strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf.......
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Re: All I did was just take out the trash..........

congrats to you both !!!  





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Re: All I did was just take out the trash..........

[ Edited ]

@forrestwolf, I like the name Wolfgang.  I think you did mention that earlier, and I had forgotten.  I can't believe someone would have thrown him out of a truck.  How awful.  He was very lucky to have been dumped at your house.  I'm glad he has a sweet temperament in spite of his background.  

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: All I did was just take out the trash..........

@forrestwolf wrote:

@NickNack I am calling him Wolfgang.......I have found out, thru talking with an ex Investigator with the Sheriff's office, that was mowing grass on the day he showed up, that he witnessed the pup being thrown out of a truck....I guess, HE NOW HAS A HOME AND IS MY LITTLE WOLFGANG!!!!!!!! I have called the vet, and I can take him in on Friday, and get a good bath, and nails clipped, and get all of his shots, and set up for a neuter.....I will go tomorrow and get him a bed, and proper food, and start training him to the doggie door and fence.....They will try to age and identify him as I can say "mommie" says......Heart  People are sooooo cruel and inhumane....Cat Sad

@forrestwolf All I can say is....Bless you and congratulations!  I have a feeling you're both exactly what each other needed.  I love a happy ending!  

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Re: All I did was just take out the trash..........



So glad to hear you can keep Wolfgang!  And, you're feeding him well.  Just don't give him mushrooms 'cause they can be harmful to most dogs.  I'm feeding my babygirl "people" food now - kindof doing Chinese medicine thing.  And the doc told me mushrooms are a no-no.  But, we're doing broccoli, corn, carrots, cabbage, et al.  Lots of fresh veggies and fish, meat, poultry and cheese is good for them, but, the vet can advise you on the best puppy food with the necessary nutrients.  Can you keep him in the garage while at work?  Sounds like the little guy should be protected from wild animals/.snakes until he gets bigger.  He may not seem like a watchdog right now, but believe me, he picked you to be his mommy:  to him, you are his whole life; as he adapts, he will protect you!  Wishing, hoping and praying that you and Wolfgang have a happy lifetime togetherHeart!

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Re: All I did was just take out the trash..........

I'm so glad you are going to keep Wolfgang.  I wish you many years of happiness together. Dogs are the best!!

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Re: All I did was just take out the trash..........

[ Edited ]

Yes. Forrestwolf, check that he is not microchipped before you get attached.  I had never had a pet until 2003, when a cat was abandoned by hideously irresponsible adults in my neighborhood.  I had him for six years and it was wonderful to think of how desperate he was at first and how happy and contented he became.  If he is not microchipped and no one is looking for him, he would make an excellent pet.


I now always have a shelter pet.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: All I did was just take out the trash..........

I am so glad to hear that you are keeping Wolfgang. That is how my brother ended up with his dog. Someone drove by and dumped 5 dogs near his house. He took the dogs to the Vet. Sadly, four of the dogs were in bad shape. But fortunately one dog was able to be nursed back to health. She was one amazing dog. So smart and loved everyone and everyone loved her. 


It happened several times, that people would dump their animals on the road near his house.

So glad Wolfgang found a good home.


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Posts: 608
Registered: ‎12-12-2010

Re: All I did was just take out the trash..........

Wolfgang is a lucky little dog to have found you.  Anyone named forrestwolf has got to be an animal lover.  Do you have any idea what breed or type of mix he is?  Looking forward to hearing what the vet says.