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All I did was just take out the trash..........

I live in rural GA, and we have no dump, but rather forced garbage pick up..I live in the middle of no where, on a sand road with no neighbors....Well, I took the trash out on Tuesday evening, and when I got home on Wednesday, I parked in the garage, and went to the road to get my trash can. Well, walking out to get it, there sits a puppy doodles next to my trash can. He just started to wag his tail, and came up to me and jumped up and just started hugging me...I am 5'2. He followed me to the house, and I was talking to him, but just shut down the garage door. I later went out on the porch and clapped my hands and puppy. I opened the garage to go to work Thursday, and as I pulled out....there he sat again, next to the garbage can. SO...home I come, 11 hours later....and there he the trash can...

Now mind you, I can not get over the death of my Little Savannah, 3 years ago, and still talk to her ashes every day, and tell her I love her when I leave. Did Savannah do this??? Needles to say, I have no dog food, but always buy canned goods for when there is a food drive, and he came in, and I fed him some beefaroni, and gave him fresh water, after I dug out Savannah's old bowls....Away he drank and ate, and wagged his tail the whole time, and I sat in the floor with him, and he just kept clinging around my neck, and would not let me go...I let the garage door down to just where he could get under, and left the back door just ajar, so he could get out...He would go out and come back in, and just came directly to me for comfort...I now have blood loss, and meat missing, from his nails, because he just did not want to let go of me...

He keeps trying to get in the chair with me, and wants to be with me every moment...He slept by my chair all night, and woke me this morning about 5 am. My day off, I did not want this....but it is what it is.... At 6 am this morning, he was eating some soup that I made with chicken, cabbage, carrots, and mushrooms, tail wagging all the time.... I am calling him Wolfgang, and training him to not get up on the chair (a chaise), or get on the arms to hold onto my arms...I have looked at Craig's list, the local papers, and such, and made some phone calls, trying to see if someone is looking for him...No luck there......SO now, this is what I have, and he is currently sleeping by my chair, and easily being trained, and no pee or poop in my chair, and every time he goes out, he comes running to me, as if to make sure I am still there....I am not sure where I am going to go from here...

Sorry this is sooooo long, but I am trying, and want him back with owners, if they are looking with him....Otherwise...I guess I have a new furbaby to look out for, and I myself, have such mixed emotions....I have enough of my own medical problems, and just have not felt ready to be "mommy" again.........Notice, no trash can around........Heart

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The strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf.......
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Re: All I did was just take out the trash..........

Please take him to a local vet to see if he is microchipped.

I hope you have indeed found each other.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎11-10-2014

Re: All I did was just take out the trash..........

It sure sounds to me that Savannah has sent you her baby brother.  Who says there's no Doggy Heaven?  She's probably there sending you this gift.  I commend you for looking ou

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Re: All I did was just take out the trash..........

I agree that you should take him by your local Vet to see if by chane he does have a microchil, which is probably not likely.  Apparently he has chosen you to be his best furless friend, and will do just about anything to please you.  Make sure he is healthy, and allow yourself to fall in love . . . it would seem he already has.  


Just as an aside, I had this happen twice to me - once with a little miniature pincher and once with a cat.  I never found anyone who was looking for either, neither was microchipped, and both lived out their lives with me, quite happily I might add. Sometimes God knows what we need better than we know ourselves.

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Re: All I did was just take out the trash..........

The poor baby could have been abandoned.  You must have him checked first in case his family is looking for him though.  If no chip and no one's looking for him - looks like you just got a very special gift from heaven!  Good luck, sorry for your loss of Savannah and God bless!

Occasional Contributor
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Registered: ‎11-10-2014

Re: All I did was just take out the trash..........

Sorry! I hit some key and was knock off .I'm new at this so please forgive. I was saying that I commend you for looking to see if anyone has lost him, however, it also sounds as though you wish nobody is.  I hope you keep him.  Perhaps you both need each other.

Also, I noticed that my shadow comes up as female and don't know if thw "Q" can fix it but I am a male.  Keep your heaven sent friend.

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Re: All I did was just take out the trash..........

 @queendivaI would, but we have no local vet....or shelter, as we still have a gas chamber, even thou illegal in the state of GA, except for small rural towns with no animal care available, or shelter...The nearest on is almost 50 miles away....That is why I am checking with the paper, and the one animal group that is local, to check with them....I really do not want some family in distress, and I live next to a fox pen/wild hog reserve, and the owner lives in my granny's home, and he is to let me know if anyone is missing one of their dogs....He is also our county commissioner for this district..

The strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf.......
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Re: All I did was just take out the trash..........

First thing I would do is take him to the vet. Next I'd buy him some dog food not people food. Congratulations on your new companion.

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: All I did was just take out the trash..........

@ID2 If no luck with owners, then I will go to Fred's tomorrow, and buy him a bed, and some food, but for now, I have to feed him my people food, as that is all I have....I put out one of Savannah's old blankets, that I will not part with, but he chooses to just ball it up...The soup is healty, for now....I do not like my garage door up at all, but I will deal for now, and if he becomes mine, I have a doggie door built into the side of my house, and I have Invisible Fence fencing, not some off brand, and have 3 collars, because, as stated, I live out in the middle of no where.....I will take him to my old vet in Valdosta, and have him fixed, and checked out....Vet bill were my usual with Savannah, as I spent over $40,000 on her, and I found her living in cudzu, and she was my baby for 14.5 years.....This baby will lack for nothing, once I find out that I can not find an owner....I am part of an animal group out of Brunswick, GA, and have the proper contacts locally, and will try to find the owners first, as I still do not feel ready for another pup, but will not turn him in locally, because of the gas chamber here.......

The strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf.......
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Posts: 1,649
Registered: ‎06-20-2010

Re: All I did was just take out the trash..........

@VILLAGE SMITHY Welcome aboard...Be thankful that you are learning to navigate the "NEW" system, as I have stayed away a great deal, because of it...I hate it, and it is not user friendly for me, but I am learning....Happy posting....Woman Happy You will find me most often in kitchen and recipe I got away from here after the rainbow travel of my Little Savannah....This board helped me out more than you can ever know, after I lost her...Heart

The strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf.......