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Registered: ‎11-25-2014
A moment of silence for all the little creatures who lost their lives in the California fires.
In the midst of nature's fury, let us pause to honor the innocent lives that were lost. These small beings who once roamed freely, are now part of the ashes. May their spirits find peace and be free of pain.
May we strive to protect and cherish all life, big and small, in the face of such tragedies.
I don't know who the author is, but I do know we all share the same sentiments.
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: A moment of silence please.

[ Edited ]

@Alsace Gal 


Beautiful quote.

Such a sad tragedy and so many animals and pets were lost. Peace be with them Heart







"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals" -Immanuel Kant

"Once you have had a wonderful Dog, a life without one, is a life diminished"-Dean Koontz
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Re: A moment of silence please.

💔 BRIT is thinking of everyone affected by the California fires. The loss  of human life and homes is heartbreaking. 💔 We also mourn the loss of  countless animals. 🙏 Sending strength
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Registered: ‎01-09-2016

Re: A moment of silence please.

Lovely @Alsace Gal  Heart

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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: A moment of silence please.


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Posts: 528
Registered: ‎01-04-2011

Re: A moment of silence please.
