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Re: A Short Life, But Loved Nonetheless

This is so sad.  I'm very sorry for your son's loss.  I lost a cat while she was under anesthesia one time.  It was a very hard loss.  She was my first cat.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: A Short Life, But Loved Nonetheless

@sktchy, I'm very sorry for your loss.  I know that was really hard.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: A Short Life, But Loved Nonetheless

Thanks for your thoughts - 

I still think of Teddy - I am tearing up now 

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Re: A Short Life, But Loved Nonetheless

So very sorry.
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Re: A Short Life, But Loved Nonetheless

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

@Pie1993 wrote:

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

I'm so sad for my son.  He decided to adopt a kitten from a local shelter near his home.  He did everything he thought he needed to do.  The first one he was interested in was adopted before he could make up his mind, but there was a second one that caught his attention.  My son visited the shelter a few times to make sure and finally took the little guy home a couple of months ago.  He faithfully kept his part of the adoption agreement and had the kitten to the vet for the required check ups.  The last check up was a couple of weeks ago.  At that time, they heard a heart murmur.  This morning was supposed to be the neutering operation.  I received a text saying they couldn't hear the heart murmur anymore.  About an hour later, my son called.  The little guy's heart stopped during the operation and they were unable to bring him back.  He was only 4-5 mos. old, but dearly loved for his short, little life.  Woman Sad

This is so sad - I too adopted a male Kitten from the Shelter on July 9th.  My Kittens name is/was Teddy.  Such a sweet, brave, friendly loving kitten.  Everyone was in love.  I took Teddy in for his 1st visit with the Vet who diagnoised Teddy with a parasite.  Teddy took his med's for 7 days.  His stoll was cleared of the parasite.  His next visit he was to get his 2nd of 4 vaccinations.  The vet took one look at my baby boy and told me he was a genetic mess.  During the 3 weeks I had Teddy the cough I complained about to the Vet became more prominate, he started coming down with rash spots and on his final visit after x-rays. blood work and the Vet extracting fluid from his belly he was diagnoised with Feline Infectious Peritontis or FIP.  The Vet advised me Teddy would be with him more than at home.  After much research and tears Teddy went to the Rainbow Bridge. 

I cannot tell you how much pain we are all experiencing.

Oh, @sktchy, you know then firsthand.  I'm very sorry for your loss and heartache.  I can only offer what others have offered, and it really is true, your Teddy knew love his whole life because of you.  It's a shame these kittens aren't more thoroughly tested before they leave the shelters, but I guess budgets won't allow that.


Even if they were, stuff happens.

Congenital conditions aren't always discovered early, in both animals and human beings.


No one is immune and untouchable - to anything bad - although many people think they are.


But we can honor our beloved loved ones in many ways.

And when it comes to animal companions, we can always rescue/adopt another life that truly deserves it.


Especially when the animal desperately needs a second chance - or even a third, fourth, or fifth.  Smiley Sad

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Re: A Short Life, But Loved Nonetheless


Cat Angel Sympathy





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Re: A Short Life, But Loved Nonetheless

The heading says it all, and my sincere condolences to all who have lost fur babies.  Unfortunately, My twin sister and I can relate.  In January, a woman left a cat with congestive heart failure on my street after she moved.  Our vet could not save him.  Then, last month, a kitten was left on our top steps after a rain storm with sore throat which made him sound like a duck.  So, we took him in and cared for him in a separate room after taking him to our vet.  We only had him a week and then he took a turn for the worse and had to be rushed to our vet.  He could not keep his head up.  Kitten became comatose from distemper and had to be put to sleep.  A neighbor told me that another kitten was tied to someone else's porch around the same time.  We have Garfield's and Kitten's ashes and can well understand the heartbreak.  Take care everyone, LadyAlice

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Re: A Short Life, But Loved Nonetheless

so sorry for the loss of the kitten.  I just lost one of my kitty's a month ago.

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Re: A Short Life, But Loved Nonetheless

Oh NOOO - Teddy was an orange with Maine Coon - according to MC authorities.  


I have to stay away from this thread.  


Thanks so much for the condolences ... 

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Re: A Short Life, But Loved Nonetheless

Your son is very special to be chosen by God to give this kitten all the love he needed before going to heaven,