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Thank you. I've said this for years and I'm sure I've said it here, there is a reason that dog is God spelled backwards.

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@monicakm - what a beautiful story of a life shared with a wonderful companion. My heart is smiling even though it is poignant, what a delight to be able to share that insight into a special life. 

Lynn-Critter Lover!
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I should have mentioned that Frankie the English cream goldendoodle is on the right but the reason she doesn't look like a doodle is because she's just had another summer cut. Down here it's summer through a good part of November and doodles are very hot natured.

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@We rescue cats 


Thank you for a lovely and heartfelt sentiment.

I pulled up some pictures of dingoes in the wild even though they are plenty domesticated dingos in the US. And there are other colors of dingoes but these are Howie's colors. Even though you can't see it in the photo of Frankie and him, he has a curled tail.  One of the reasons I don't think he is purebred is the length of his legs.  That would be characteristic a Shiba Inu, that has been suggested by many he might be part.










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@monicakm wrote:



He's a Dingo mix and our vet said that the "vet strength" DNA test is $600.   There used to be a Dingo sanctuary in Dallas. I have no idea where he came from tho.  If I can find it I'll show you a couple of pictures of full-blooded dingos. These aren't as old as he is nor as chubby as he is.  In addition his mannerisms and characteristics are spot on.  Before his voice turned gravel-y, his bark was more of a high-pitched yelp.  I'm not worried about the law. This dog, actually dingo because they aren't the same, found us, we didn't look for and buy him.  You can Google images or dingoes.

Yes, I remember that he "found" you.  I know you didn't go looking for him; I remember the story.  

For $600, I certainly wouldn't bother with DNA testing! 

It's unfortunate that you don't know his age.  I've read that dingoes can live between 18-20 years, certainly longer than most dogs. 

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@monicakm Thank you.

Lynn-Critter Lover!
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How beautiful they are, resting so peacefully and contentedly...


How blessed you and Howie were to find each other. 


I wish more loving and happy time with you, Howie and Frankie. God bless.

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Aw thank you @DSD2 .