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@Tinkrbl44   So true!  What's up with that? My cat can be sleeping and as soon as I go to the bathroom, she's right there rubbing up against my legs.  If I try to close the door  (I live alone so I can keep it open), she pokes her paws under the door and yowls outside.  It's a no win situation. Cats, you've got to love them!

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So true! Sometimes, one of mine will just stick her head as to make sure I am "seated" well and then she'll just carry on down the hall. 

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It is so funny and we all seem to describe what could be the same cat following us to the ladies room lol.

Mine even a few times was so curious when I took a bath, she got on the edge and walked back and forth, leaned over, sniffed and wondered with wonder, what in the world?! It almost seemed like she might so want to see what this strange stuff with bubbles was like or stick a tentative paw in, but then finally would stroll to the far end of the room and stand watch, to make sure I was ok.Cat Happy

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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If you have TWO cats (as I do) that follow you to the bathroom, does that make you doubly strong and independent?


Actually, mine follow me because the boy wants to drink out of the faucet, and the girl wants to make sure the water bowl has an infinity edge before she'll drink out of it. There is also an inspection to make sure there are no "divots" in the food bowls...if there are, appropriate scolding of me will commence!


I have to feed them in the bathroom so the dog won't eat their food--my DH cut and framed an opening in the door so they can go in/out as they please.

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So true!


And also can open the barn door to the bathroom when I take a shower!!


Woman LOLCat LOLWoman LOL

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Until my most recent cat (we had four; sadly now down to one in the past couple of years), I'd never had a cat that felt it was its duty to accompany me to the bathroom.


But my beautiful tabby boy races to get to the door when he hears me head in there.  He'll meow loudly just to let me know he's coming, so I always wait and hold the door for him.


His litter box is in there, so he uses the opportunity to do his "business".  It's as if he thinks "Oh, we're doing this now, are we?"  I think we're bonded in some way.


My friends and DH all say that he adores me and only has eyes for me.  I'm okay with that.  Woman Happy