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Re: 7 Castaway Puppies on Deserted Isl. Rescued!

However terrible heartless humans can be, there’s always “angels” put in the path of the abused to save and help them.  God bless these people with hearts.  Thanks for posting this story with a happy ending. 


I know what I’d do with a deserted island if I owned one.

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Re: 7 Castaway Puppies on Deserted Isl. Rescued!

@ValuSkr wrote:

Who in the world would abandon pups on an uncharted desert isle.  Well, thank you for the story, I'm glad it has a happy ending.  And I didn't know Lovey's real name was Wentworth.



Me neither, LOL!


When I first saw that name I thought, "Who???"

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Re: 7 Castaway Puppies on Deserted Isl. Rescued!

@OKPrincess wrote:

However terrible heartless humans can be, there’s always “angels” put in the path of the abused to save and help them.  God bless these people with hearts.  Thanks for posting this story with a happy ending. 


I know what I’d do with a deserted island if I owned one.




Me too!


It would be a rescue for unwanted/abused animals of any kind!Heart


DD and I always say that if we ever win the lottery, that's what we'll do!



You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
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Re: 7 Castaway Puppies on Deserted Isl. Rescued!

@OKPrincess wrote:

However terrible heartless humans can be, there’s always “angels” put in the path of the abused to save and help them.  God bless these people with hearts.  Thanks for posting this story with a happy ending. 


I know what I’d do with a deserted island if I owned one.

I'm afraid I'd round up some people I know who weren't kind to animals and leave them on the island! 


Not only are some humans cruel to animals, but cruel to other people.  Just read a topic here where some were picking apart a person for not spelling correctly.   Dear God, how did we get so hardened?

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Re: 7 Castaway Puppies on Deserted Isl. Rescued!

@KingstonsMom I keep reminding Bubba and Grayson how good they have it here at home.


 I just don’t understand people.  I guess boating all the way over to the deserted island and dumping them was better than throwing them in the lake. Anyway, they’re ok now.🙏🏻

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Re: 7 Castaway Puppies on Deserted Isl. Rescued!

[ Edited ]

@Halidon wrote:

@OKPrincess wrote:

However terrible heartless humans can be, there’s always “angels” put in the path of the abused to save and help them.  God bless these people with hearts.  Thanks for posting this story with a happy ending. 


I know what I’d do with a deserted island if I owned one.

I'm afraid I'd round up some people I know who weren't kind to animals and leave them on the island! 


Not only are some humans cruel to animals, but cruel to other people.  Just read a topic here where some were picking apart a person for not spelling correctly.   Dear God, how did we get so hardened?

Disregard those statements about picking on others. That’s their nature plus it’s cruel to pick on someone you’ve never met.  I still think there are more good people in the world than bad people.

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Re: 7 Castaway Puppies on Deserted Isl. Rescued!

There was a similar story and video on FB a few weeks back except the castaways were 2 kittens and it was here in the States.  Two young fellows were out fishing about 1/4 mile off shore when they saw something moving towards then in the water.  To their amazement it was a tiny kitten swimming out to their boat.  No sooner had they pulled her in, another was close behind.  They waited for quite a while to see if there were any others but those were the only two.  The guys wrapped them in their jackets and shared their food.  Took them to the vet, aside from being rough around the edges these two little warriors were in good shape.  Each of the guys adopted one of the kitties.  Leaving these poor defenseless creatures to fend for themselves with little chance of rescue certainly is indicative of the worst of humanity.