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@MalteseMomma wrote:

I have 4 adult kids and 13 grands and 5 greats and   personally, I have always thought  they should do away with Mothers Day. Too many expectations and too many   broken hearts.


I had a wonderful day yesterday with most  all  of them............and usually it it a good or ok day.


BUT, Mothers Day doesn't always go as well as we would like . One thing or another inevetably goes wrong too many times...Sometimes (most times) it is a small thing and other times biggies


.. 20 yrs ago  was a total disaster...and every Mothers Day since,I remember it My home  was robbed by my own daughter as she sat next to me at dinner out in a restaurant. I was set up by  her and her friends  while we were out....... It not only cost me all my expensive Q jewlery and more ,but worst of all, 20 yrs later, I find it has cost me my priceless ,  beautiful grandkids and great grands.........because they moved wayyyy  across the  country and I will never see them.We talk on the phone and FB but I will never get to hold them or touch them.


 I know for too  many there is a lot of heart break on Mothers Day for one reason or another. It should be done away with  and we should,personally, honor our moms other ways and on  other days

@MalteseMomma, I am so sorry!


I know someone whose son arranged to have their house robbed and his own mother tied up.  The heartbreak was unbearable all the way around.  


I'm so glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day yesterday, and that you were surrounded by loving family.

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@Mustang Shar wrote:

Well.....anyone else get that today BESIDES ME! 😓😓😓


Daughter lives near by 35 yrs old, married just had her open house from her new home last night so I was there. I'm kinda crushed....this is my first without my late Mom, she has no children. No card, no flowers no NOTHING just a text and a Facebook post. I had NEVER done this to my Mom, it just wasn't thought of.


opinions? Maybe she thought because I was at the open house for a couple of hours, that was ok then?  Bummer



I bet your daughter felt that the two of you had spent time together the previous evening.  I'm sorry you were hurt, @Mustang Shar.  There are some very sad stories on this thread😕

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[ Edited ]

@Kachina624 wrote:

@MalteseMomma  I'm so sad for you but perhaps one day your grandchildren will come to you and you can have a relationship with them. 



Thank you, I should have said only 3 grands and 3 great grands are across




.The rest of them are all right  around the corner from me   and I see them every day.....    Smiley Happy



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@MalteseMomma wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

@MalteseMomma  I'm so sad for you but perhaps one day your grandchildren will come to you and you can have a relationship with them. 



Thank you, I should have said only 3 grands and 3 great grands are across




.The rest of them are all right  around the corner from me   and I see them every day.....    Smiley Happy



@MalteseMomma:  I cannot begin to comprehend what you have gone through.  I hope things are better between the two of you.  My best wishes for you.

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Yes, Thank you,things are good with us ,except that they are far away.NJ /Az  Jewlery and "things" are not worth loosing  family.It took a while  but it's all is good now,except the distance between us. 


I'm too old to travel there and it is very hard for them  to travel here but maybe someday ,we will all  get together. In the meantime thank God for FB and telephones  Smiley Happy


But, we are all  paying a very high price for that long ago (20yrs) Mothers Day..

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@MalteseMomma wrote:



Yes, Thank you,things are good with us ,except that they are far away.NJ /Az  Jewlery and "things" are not worth loosing  family.It took a while  but it's all is good now,except the distance between us. 


I'm too old to travel there and it is very hard for them  to travel here but maybe someday ,we will all  get together. In the meantime thank God for FB and telephones  Smiley Happy


But, we are all  paying a very high price for that long ago (20yrs) Mothers Day..

@MalteseMomma:  The picture of forgiveness is what I see in your posts.  I am in a similar situation, and I pray that I can do what you have done with your DD.  Best to all of you.

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@Gayle2I am beginning to dislike holidays more & more. My mom passed away Jan 2016. We are a small family & have not made a huge fuss over any holidays, but it gets less fun as we age,lol... After my horrific MD, I am making some changes for next holidays. My dad never liked holiday times. He loved his immediate family, but for the WHOLE family was a different thing for him. He always made himself scarce, I plan to do the same for now on. 

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@KarenQVC When they got married, the children were all fairly small, they are now teenagers. My son takes very good care of the kids, he is involved with every sport, coaching them since they started playing, cooks, washes, & does most things a mom should be doing. I don't mind helping, but a "tks" every now & then would be appreciated. I do it more for the kids than them. The kids KNOW they can count on me to be there. The DIL is all about looking good on the "outside", all appearances are not what they seem, is all I can say,lol.. As far as a taxi, we live in rurual Texas-no such thing here,lol.. As far as talking to my son about it, he always takes her side, so to keep peace in the family, I keep my mouth shut. Only a few more yrs & they won't be needing me as much (kids will all be driving), or I will die before then. Whatever the case, I just have to let off steam sometimes, but will let it go for now. 

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@TX-starlight   And when those kids think of their childhoods, YOU are the one they will remember. Heart

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@YorkieonmyPillow Hopefully!! They are my purpose in life,lol.... I have 1 graduating next month, I'm really having a hard time with it. Even tho I hardly see him, since he drives,lol..