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Re: Mother - Son dance song (wedding)

Beautiful Boy... written by John Lennon.  Go to YouTube and listen to Celine Dion's version is a tear jerker.

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Re: Mother - Son dance song (wedding)

DS and I did a quick step to "Happy" by Pharrel Williams because I knew how much he and DDIL loved each other and what a great couple they were. 


Worked great.

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Re: Mother - Son dance song (wedding)

Le Ann Womak, "I Hope You Dance"...

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Re: Mother - Son dance song (wedding)

Don't Blink by Kenny Chesney. 

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Re: Mother - Son dance song (wedding)

[ Edited ]

Unforgettable By Nat King Cole. My son picked this song out. And I too, think of that special day when I hear this song.

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Re: Mother - Son dance song (wedding)

For mother and son . . . Just The Way You Are (Billy Joel)


For father and daughter/son . . . "Oh My Papa" (Eddie Fisher)

Formerly Ford1224
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Re: Mother - Son dance song (wedding)

I had two sons get married in less than a year.  For the first one I danced to "The Times of Your Life" by Paul Anka - wonderful - the old "Kodak" camera commercial/song.  For the second son I danced with him to "Have I Told You Lately that I Love You" by Rod Stewart - also very nice.