Super Contributor
Posts: 633
Registered: ‎01-14-2013

I know most moms think their kids are great, special, etc.

After spending 36 hrs with my son's college friend, I KNOW my sons are awesome!

I'm such a kid lover. I find the good in just about every kid that comes thru my door. But this guy - geez!

From the minute he stepped inside, I was ready to kick him to the curb.

Not just the non-stop snarky comments and insults about my home, our small town, etc., but chewing with his mouth 100% open and talking, food dropping all over him and the floor, etc.

How bad was he? So bad that I really encouraged my son to head back to college yesterday even tho it's spring break and he might have stayed here another night and gone back this afternoon/evening.

I honestly would have not been able to hold my tongue that long.