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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

My problem, I bought goodies I seldom buy, just in case we wouldn't have stores open and they last forever.  Like peanut butter, nuts, Ritz crackers, cheese, popcorn, etc.  Of course I ate them all in the first couple of months.  Of course I have the oatmeal, canned veggies, dried beans left.  


Lesson learned, I won't do that again.  It seems like if they are here I will eat them.  I am now working through the dried beans.

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

@Bhvbum I did the same thing. Ate it all very quickly.

I just can't have anything in the house without scarfing 

it down.


Finally got a handle on the food and my sugar, I'm a diabetic. 

Good luck to you and to all struggling with food issues.



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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

I'm the opposite.  Some days, I feel anxious to the point that I have to force myself to eat.  For those days, I keep Ensure on hand.

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

Yes, four pounds, and I've only manged to lose one, so far.  I know why I've gained.


It's because I extend time between grocery store visits.  So, instead of plentiful fresh produce and lean meats, I often have to rely on processed frozen, or canned products.


Also, pantry items easily kept in storage like brown rice, whole wheat pasta and beans, that should be a side dish, often become the meal's focus, when running low on items. Too many carbs and I will gain weight before I leave the table Woman Wink..  

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

Even my bedroom slippers feel tight. 

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

I had the virus in March. In two weeks I lost 11 lbs. just had no appetite. It lasted altogether three weeks but for a long time after I felt exhausted.

i'm fine now and have gained back six lbs.

we all need to give ourselves a bit of a break during this unique time. It won't last forever!

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

I sure did - I'm a worthless piggo, I look at myself and wince, I disgust myself. I'm repulsive.

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

@chvall99 wrote:

You betcha!  I had already gained about 12 pounds from the holidays and vacation and then when I normally find my resolve and work on losing weight the pandemic hit.  Gained about 5-8 pounds from that.  So all and all I am looking at 20 pounds that I need to get rid of. Working on it now.

So much easier to put on then take! Woman Sad

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

@haddon9 wrote:'s stress eating for me and I'm too afraid to get on the scale!


I happened to hear on the radio just a few days ago that the average "Pandemic weight" gain is 16 lbs.

Well...that makes me feel better..just another reason to wish that VIRUS would go away!!!!!!

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Registered: ‎02-12-2020

Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

@Bhvbum wrote:

My problem, I bought goodies I seldom buy, just in case we wouldn't have stores open and they last forever.  Like peanut butter, nuts, Ritz crackers, cheese, popcorn, etc.  Of course I ate them all in the first couple of months.  Of course I have the oatmeal, canned veggies, dried beans left.  


Lesson learned, I won't do that again.  It seems like if they are here I will eat them.  I am now working through the dried beans.

All the goodies you mention sure sound good!!!!!!! Woman Wink