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Posts: 476
Registered: ‎12-20-2012

colors of pompeii station neckalce

I  recently bought a pompeii station necklace, and am trying to figure out the colors. Are there seven or eight different colors? The first group had an aqua and then the second group had an azure or truquoise color. Hopefully someone know the difference.

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Re: colors of pompeii station neckalce

This is from Louis' blog.  Click on each one to see the colors.


Super Contributor
Posts: 476
Registered: ‎12-20-2012

Re: colors of pompeii station necklace

[ Edited ]

@Somertime wrote:

This is from Louis' blog.  Click on each one to see the coloryoutubes.


Thank you, for that link which shows the first four colors.

Your link shows the orginal four color , which includes Aqua. In the reorder colors (youtube)  one is called azure, but in the blog with the Shantung jackets one iis called turquoise. I assume that azure and turquoise are the same necklace. Can anyone tell me the difference between the azure (turquoise) color (reorder) and the aqua from the first group?