Louis’s Glass Bead Necklaces are Gorgeous! In this group, the Latte is my favourite!

…………………………The GLITTERATI NECKLACE & EARRING SET, J428966 in TURQUOISE is simply beautiful!……When I look at the color cards of all the different colors these beads come in I want to make a necklace in each and every one. This is a necklace I have done before. It’s 72 inches long with a three inch extender……..The GLASS FACETED BEADS are linked together, which makes a necklace at this length much stronger…..but……it’s ALL ABOUT THE BEADS…………………..The Turquoise beads above are BI-COLORED with a mix of deep Turquoise and an iridescent CHOCOLATE….The drop earring is made out of the same iridescent bead……Naturally the necklace will look great on turquoise and all shades of brown including dk. chocolate and espresso, but I know you will find so many different ways to wear this necklace like on the Heather Mink Whisper TN above, and a simple ivory blouse……………..enjoy………………..much Love…………………Louis
…….I wish I could have captured just how fabulous the colors of this necklace are……..All of the colors are richer and deeper. The iridescence is just magnificent. Naturally it looks fabulous on WINE and VINO, CRANBERRY and PORT, but it also looks incredible on LODEN, OLIVE and even DARK FOREST GREEN……..On the SAGE PLAID BLAZER…..perfection!!!……These are necklaces to collect and admire……to have at hands reach so you can just take one and put it on…..It will always look WONDERFUL!…………………………….
enjoy………….much Love………………….Louis
……………………………I call it “LATTE”…..QVC calls it TAN. You already know how glorious it looks with the Latte embroidered skirt, but it looks just as beautiful with an Alabaster, Grey or Ivory sweater for more casual outings. This is a wonderful mix of solid Latte beads and Iridescent Ivory beads……….BTW….it also looks wonderful with the AMBRA TREVI COIN NECKLACE!……..
enjoy…………………..much Love………………………….Louis
…………Each color in each necklace is so special I think you will want them all………..VIVID BLUE with an iridescent blue and grey bead, is shown above on Sapphire Blue and Heather Charcoal Grey. It looks equally beautiful on both……With the VIVID BLUE EMBROIDERED skirt this necklace is a must have!………………….enjoy…………………much Love……………………Louis
…………For me a BLACK JET NECKLACE is as essential to a woman’s wardrobe as a string of pearls…………….Again, Queen Victoria made Black Jet popular after her husband Prince Albert passed away. Much of the Glass Jet was made in Austria, and they continue to make beautiful crystal today…………..At 72 inches you have great versatility on how you choose to wear it. In the photos to the left the necklace, from the top, is quadrupled, wrapped three times and doubled……..It is also the perfect necklace to mix with many other Linea necklaces. The center top photo shows it layered with the jet, pearl and fireball torsade. The photo to the right is the new MOON GLOW necklace, also at 72 inches. The companion earring is to the right of that. The pearl and jet bracelet works perfectly with all of the choices…….I was asked if the Black Jet tassel necklace would have a companion…….This new Jet necklace works perfectly with the tassel………………enjoy………..much Love…………………………..Louis