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Thank you. I did indeed confuse the return policy and the price adjustment policy.


Thank you for letting me know!Heart

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@KingstonsMom wrote:

@mom2four0418 wrote:

@1jac wrote:

I was denied a price adjustment on a Linea order because the clearance was more than 30 days after the items were ordered, not received. I always thoughts it was within the date of

receipt. Am I wrong? Thanks for your comments.

Yes, you are wrong.



Respectfully, no she is not wrong.


Respectfully, the issue is not about the return policy.
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I'm, not buying much of anything QVC sells anywhere at all, so I will need to learn policies all over again should I break my personal DO NOT BUY vow.


But one thing I did notice earlier this year when I did a very small amount of local shopping was a statement in their pricing policy that they do not do price adjustments.  Wonder if that's something we're going to see elsewhere.

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OH it certainly is ELSEWHERE!!!! What irks the crud out of me is this for example.  A package of peat moss at a Walmart is 5.00, at the next most close Walmart and more close to my home it is 10.99.  The exact same brand, size, etc.  I made the comment,    " " The peat moss is 10.99 and 5 miles down the road it is 5.00 for the exact same item,so do I have to leave here after shopping over a hour and spending over 100.00 still healing from knee surery and drive 5 miles down the interstate, exit, go to that Walmart to purchase the same item for 5.00?"  The response was only "Walmart does not price match other stores!"  Now that is ridiculious.  Of course if the can of diesel I filled after I bought my first 5.00 peat most had not spilled out some and on the bag I would not have needed another.  I did go another day to the second Walmart for the point of it.  I am not paying something even 5.00 when it is not priced correctly.  It is not a franchise owned business it is one company owned.  

The same when asking a business about something online or a online order or price or item when calling that business or inside their business and they reply " I do not know that is, that is different then Walmart.  Or Kohls, that is Kohls.Com, I do not work for them I work at Kohls, you would have to call and ask them.  IT IS THE SAME AND ONE COMPANY.  A person does not buy stock in Walmart, then buy stock in Walmart.Com.  Just a peeve of mine.  The last time a employee me told me that I had heard it one tooo many times and politely asked her, a manager to please stop saying that.  Explained to her exactly as above.  I said please find another way to explain that to a customer other then using the excuse you do not work for com, or .com is a separate business, that is not correct.

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It’s of note that you have to wait until your item is shipped for customer service to be able to give you the partial refund for the price guarantee. I have requested the price adjustment on more than occasion before they have shipped my purchase , and they have politely asked me to email them again once the item shipped. So, you really only have a short window if the item is delayed in shipping.