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Posts: 17,739
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I wore it for the first time, today. We are having a warm spurt ,and I didn't want to wear a winter coat


I just love it. It fits like it was made for me, and it looks so chic.


It is  made from really nice fabric.  It offers a bit of warmth  against the chill


I didn't have to get the sleeves shortened. thanks to the little adjustment feature , on the sleeves


I t fits me like a full length coat, and I don't mind that a bit.


I want to thank all of you ladies for you kind assistance.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 8,599
Registered: ‎03-10-2013

I have a full length all weather coat which i love. Enjoy. I also have a full length wool coat I’ve had for years and used both when I worked and had to get out in the weather everyday. This OK wind can be brutal at times.