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Re: Logo Smiley FLLace Collection. What Do You Think?

I used to love the "original" LOGO designs and prints.  Been hoping for years that she would change her line from the last few years for the better.  But these smiley faces are an insult to her customers and a new low.

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Re: Logo Smiley Face Collection. What Do You Think?

I love the smiley face pancake pan from Nordic Ware. Maybe there's supposed to be a resurgence of the smiley face. 



Nordic Ware Smiley Face Pancake Pan

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Re: Logo Smiley Face Collection. What Do You Think?

I watched less than 30 seconds of the presentation.  Maybe this is QVC's attempt to attract young viewers, i.e, pre-teens.  I heard LG say it was a classic look that will never go out of stye.  Good grief!

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Re: Logo Smiley Face Collection. What Do You Think?

What 50, 60, 70 year old woman is going to gravitate to smiley faces on their shirts, pants whatever?????  This jumps at me in a very bad way like those smiley face sponges they sell here (that don't work btw).


How hideous is this new line by logo??!!



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Re: Logo Smiley Face Collection. What Do You Think?

[ Edited ]

@Stevie Nix The Logo brand is not the same since it was sold out.


@FranandZoe wrote:

Who knew Logo could be any worse.


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Re: Logo Smiley Face Collection. What Do You Think?

@Mindy D wrote:

I love the smiley face pancake pan from Nordic Ware. Maybe there's supposed to be a resurgence of the smiley face. 



Nordic Ware Smiley Face Pancake Pan

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Logo Smiley Face Collection. What Do You Think?

[ Edited ]

Personally, I don't like the smiley face LOGO items. It looks child-like to me. They're too expensive too. Instead of LOGO, it should be named NOGO. 

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Re: Logo Smiley Face Collection. What Do You Think?

@Bookplate wrote:

It's hard to believe that she wanted this stupid symbol on her clothing.  While I don't generally care for her styles, I do think she has exceptional color sense and her prints are often lovely.  However, this is simply cartoonish and embarassing.  

@Bookplate I agree that she has BEAUTIFUL colors, even though the styles are not to my liking.  I wish some of the other designers like Susan Graver and Issac Mizrahi would copy some of her color choices.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: Logo Smiley Face Collection. What Do You Think?

@Mindy D wrote:

I love the smiley face pancake pan from Nordic Ware. Maybe there's supposed to be a resurgence of the smiley face. 



Nordic Ware Smiley Face Pancake Pan

@Mindy D Very cute!  They also make several other pans with different images....snowflakes, holiday, fall, summer bugs.  It would be cute to make for grandchildren!

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Re: Logo Smiley Face Collection. What Do You Think?

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