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On 2/2/2014 Ladybug724 said:

I know I was also thinking there must be a rights thing that may prevent them from being allowed to say Super Bowl

Yeah, I'm thinking that there must be a licensing issue that you have to have permission to use their 'name' in the course of selling ANYTHING.

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It is a licensing issue, all week Stephen Colbert has been calling it the Superb Owl and referring to legalities.
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Superb Owl! Love it. Smiley Happy Leave it to Colbert. That guy is great.

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Another Colbert fan here. I also love Jon Stewart. Even if you are on the other side of the fence politically, these guys are funny. I go into absolute withdrawal when they take one of their many weeks off.

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Never realized they don't say "Super Bowl". Print ads do, I think. Would think they would say Super Bowl to promote it.

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I was watching the clock and was going to take a break from my Superbowl preparations to watch him for a few minutes and was so disappointed, as were my feet.

By the way Daysdee, they don't say Superbowl because the NFL or some other entity has a trademark registration for the term and started enforcing their rights in it a few years ago. Only authorized licensees (they pay $$) can use the term in their advertising.

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Not only is the use of the words "Super Bowl" a licensing thing, but the NFL would probably love to sue anyone who dares to violate it. They have been known, I'm not kidding, to go to court to stop grade school kids from using NFL logos in dioramas without written consent.