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good grief---couldn't help myself-new 3qt IP

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Been thinking about a 3 qt Instant Pot for awhile--have the 6 qt already that I use all the time---then I got an e mail from Williams Sonoma offering the new Star Wars themed IP and they had the mini decorated as BB8---now I am a huge SW fan. but not crazy and don't decorate my home with any of it. So just in case--BB8 is a little robot like R2D2--is orange and white. So this mini is orange and white too-----and at a good bb8.jpgprice with free shipping----I caved in and will get it next week-----so cute!!!

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Re: good grief---couldn't help myself-new 3qt IP

LOL!  Enjoy!

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Re: good grief---couldn't help myself-new 3qt IP

What a cute gift for those who are Star War fans.  


I wish my order from Williams Sonoma would ship.....I ordered a bread machine about a month ago and have 2 more months to wait before it ships. 

......You look like I need a drink.....
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Re: good grief---couldn't help myself-new 3qt IP


I have rice cooking right now in my 3qt IP.  Like you, I bought the 6qt first, then added the 3qt.  I think you'll be happy with it.  (Mine is an ordinary IP, not a cute little robot - lucky you!)

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Re: good grief---couldn't help myself-new 3qt IP

My sons would go nuts for this!

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Re: good grief---couldn't help myself-new 3qt IP

So cute!!  I bought a 3 qt. a few months ago, thinking I wouldn't use it much.  Turns out I use it more than my 6 qt!   It's just the two of us now so the 3 qt is a much better size.   Enjoy your new cooker. 

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Re: good grief---couldn't help myself-new 3qt IP

Cute little thing but I never cook in such small quantity even though I cook for one.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: good grief---couldn't help myself-new 3qt IP

Cute concept. I'd make use of a regular looking 3 quart one.

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Re: good grief---couldn't help myself-new 3qt IP

Amazon had the big Ninja Foodi for 169 today and free shp. That was a good deal.

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Re: good grief---couldn't help myself-new 3qt IP

Kachina, you certainly know best what and how you cook, but you might indeed find a use for this IP. My "regular" IP is a 6 qt. Duo Evo Plus (which by the way is what I consider the IP of choice for anyone who wants a 6 qt IP. This model is based on user requests and comments on what they (users wanted). In my opinion, IP hit it out of the ballpark with this model.


But back to the 3-quart size. I too use my 6-quart most often, but I frequently wanted to cook a side to go along with the main dish I was making in that 6 qt. Sometimes it was mashed potatoes to serve with beef stew, or rice to go with a green curry. On other occasions, I wanted to cook broccoli, cauliflower or some other veggie to go along with my main dish. The 3-quart size is perfect for this.