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In my 33 years shopping on tv I have tried so many products for cleaning  None of which did what they said  I recently bought shock it clean for the third time and it does nothing great  Do any of you have a miracle cleaning product

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We use Bioclean, which you can get on the Q. It is an all natural cleaner which we prefer to use over chemical ones.  

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@mollymaggie  I don't have a miracle product per se, I basically use different products for different jobs.  I usually find name brand items work best and knowing that, I buy them when on sale.  But what I do always use that works well is a little elbow grease.  💪


But I like and use Bon Ami, Pine-Sol, Jubilee, Lysol, ammonia and baking soda, to name a few. 😊🗑

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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Baking soda, vinegar, Dawn, alcohol...not combined but you could.

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Barkeepers Friend, Formula 409, Lysol or Clorox.  

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I use pretty basic stuff.


 I wouldn't want to be without microfiber towels and Magic Erasers.   I've found so many things that nothing else will work very well on, but either microfiber or Magic Erasers do a perfect job and make it much easier.

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@LuvmyLab wrote:

We use Bioclean, which you can get on the Q. It is an all natural cleaner which we prefer to use over chemical ones.  

Bioclean was nothing special for me.  I still have a ton of it.  I do use it for cleaning hairspray overspray on mirrors, but it also takes a lot of elbow grease.  Other jobs with it were just meh.


Dawn Powerwash works well on greasy stuff like my Ninja Grill and even the screen.  

Bar Keepers Friend for the kitchen sink and stainless cookware.  SOS works well on stainless cookware too.  


ETA:  Check out this thread for a funny little story about me using the Dawn PowerWash.

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Super Cloths bought here to clean windows.  Greatest thing ever for windows, no paper towels needed.  For cleaning the fiberglass, ugh, shower enclosure, equal parts vinegar and Dawn.  Great job, spray, leave on for a few hours, rinse -- no scrubbing needed.  

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@coffee drinker wrote:

Super Cloths bought here to clean windows.  Greatest thing ever for windows, no paper towels needed.  For cleaning the fiberglass, ugh, shower enclosure, equal parts vinegar and Dawn.  Great job, spray, leave on for a few hours, rinse -- no scrubbing needed.  


Are those the light blue microfiber towels that QVC sold ages ago?  Those were my first micro towels and they are still in use (along with a bunch more I purchased in years since).

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Registered: ‎10-30-2010

Kitchen plus


Affresh for all my stainless appliances

Affresh for dishwasher

Affresh for washing machine

Dawn liquid 4X

Dawn Ultra Platinum Powerwash Dish Spray for baked on foods

Dawn Ultra Platinum Foam for grease absorption

Soft Scrub with and without bleach

Windex with amonia

Lysol Spray & Liquid

Clorox Cleanup

Clorox bleach for drains

Mrs Meyer's spray for natural granite countertops and center island

Microfiber cloths...

and more.


Depends on the mess on any given day.