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What's your go to take out food?

I find DD and I have done more take-out since DH passed away.  We tend to graze or do a lot of salads weekends and during the week we sometimes do breakfast for dinner.

Our go to is either the old stand by, pizza or Chinese.  We both like BBQ too.


She works near a ton of restaurants so we have a lot of choices.


I just emailed DD about getting some Chinese for supper.  I am hungry for Wonton soup it's chilly and damp today. You always get a ton in one entree order so we can split one and be happy.


I will cook something tomorrow night but tonight someone is doing the work.


What is your go to take out?

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Re: What's your go to take out food?

I rarely do takeout due to food allergies.  I cook big on weekends and stock my fridge with my lunches for work and dinners.  All I have to do is warm it up or top it with dressing (I do a lot of salads too).

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Re: What's your go to take out food?

There is a really good pizza place near me that delivers....every couple months I will treat myself!  If I am stopping for lunch, it's most always their veggie subs.

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Re: What's your go to take out food?

@Misplaced Parisian   When I worked I did marathon cooking sessions on the weekend too Back then if I made spaghetti sauce DH would cook the pasta and heat the sauce so when I got home supper was ready.


I think I'm kind of over cooking every night.  I am getting a new knee soon but right now standing and cook a lot is painful and hard to do.



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Re: What's your go to take out food?

I stop at Starbucks and get an iced vanilla latte and a ham and cheese croissant frequently.  That's the main take-out that I do.  I don't know if that even counts, but I love it.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: What's your go to take out food?

It's pizza and Chinese for us.

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Re: What's your go to take out food?

@CrazyKittyLvr2 Sweetie, enjoy your carryout/delivery.  The only way my life works is by cooking big on the weekends.  Smiles.   I hope your recovery from surgery is speedy.  A couple friends have had knee replacements recently and they are all back dancing.  Smiley Happy  Wishing you the best.

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Re: What's your go to take out food?



I think I'm kind of over cooking every night.  I am getting a new knee soon but right now standing and cook a lot is painful and hard to do.


I'm also getting ready to have my right knee replaced next week and must get started getting meals frozen for weeks after I return from hospital.  


I have a general idea regarding soup and cooking up some squash and different other veggies beforehand but not sure I have enough room in my frig for weeks worth of meals.  


I guess I'll figure something out but right now am not in the mood (have many other chores to complete).  



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Re: What's your go to take out food?

No one  go-to place.   Just depends on my mood.


Lots of places in the neighborhood that have take-out.  And ... the supermarket down the block just renovated / updated and they have a take-out bar


My choices nearby (walking distance) .... Pizza (deli), Japanese (restaurant), Filipino (restaurant), Chinese (take-out only), Mexican (restaurant), Italian (restaurant deli), American (diner), Jewish (deli).


And not in walking distance ....  I have a stack of menus here for just about anything else ... free delivery.  



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Re: What's your go to take out food?

@ALRATIBA   We live in the country so delivery of any kind is out.  Luckily DD works nearly 40 miles away (1 way) and has a ton of choices.


Someone at work told her of a restaurant we didn't know about.  Great BBQ.  The sandwiches are huge. I cut it in half and heat the rest for next day's lunch.