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Re: What's cooking this July in your kitchen?

Morning all,

I am playing with fonts lately. At least something on this site is worth trying.


Yock, I thought of you today when I saw the big pictures of the parade in the paper. Always looks like a good parade, but I hesitate driving there so early, fighting the crowds, and finding a parking place.


Friend's husband has returned home after a stay in hospital and nursing home due to a blood clot on the brain. I took cubed watermelon to them for their family gathering. I like to chop up mint and add some vodka for an adult fruit treat.


Scrambled eggs for breakfast this morning. Sliced onion very thin, cooked it in coconut oil. Added beaten eggs with cream, white cheddar cheese, and spinach.


Think it will be hamburgers tonight. Not quite sure yet. We are moving slow today. Stayed up past our usual bedtime playing Euchre with our friends. We always go out for dinner first then play cards once a month at someone's house.


Best to all, enjoy the day.

P.S. Yock, we must meet for lunch.


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Re: What's cooking this July in your kitchen?

[ Edited ]
The parade is always fun but the bands have gotten smaller and smaller as kids turn to different activities. It is a lot of work but such close friendships not only between kids but also parents
Yes, we must do lunch. Right now I'm running between appts with me and Merle but hope the end is near by the end of the month. (I mean the end of appointments is near)
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Re: What's cooking this July in your kitchen?

OK, Betty and Bev - old Snoop here is going to watch to make sure you two DO have lunch - you live way too close not to do it. Darn it, sure wish I lived nearbyDon't think anyone lives near me. There was a lady some years back who did live right down the road from me - literally - and she just stopped posting as I was working my way up to getting to know her better online and then try to meet for lunch. Cannot recall her name but she would have been a great person to get to know in person from readingt her posts. Sigh.


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Re: What's cooking this July in your kitchen?

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

Valued Contributor
Posts: 975
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What's cooking this July in your kitchen?

Morning all,

Looks like rain this morning. Getting darker and darker. DH "thinks" they will play golf today. I'm hoping not, as it is suppose to be in 80's. Not good for C0PD.


Lunch was leftovers from dinner out the night before. Had chicken stuffed with cheese covered in a cream sauce with almonds and thin sliced cooked apples. Flavored rice and small grilled asparagas were the sides. This was at the "Boat House" in Winona Lake. Have you eaten there Betty?


Not sure what is cooking here today.



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Re: What's cooking this July in your kitchen?

Very, very pretty picture, Preds. Nice to see in this early morning.

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Re: What's cooking this July in your kitchen?

Morning, looks like the storm is moving on but I think more to come, wanted to run some errands but we'll see Pork chops tonite, with fried noodles of course, & probably a salad or whatever, hope to do the chops on the grill, weather permitting. Working on deep cleaning the kitchen, seems like these things take longer & longer, but I'll be talking with a cleaning lady (my friend has her) this coming week, think I'll try the once per month, use to have a girl every 2 weeks but then trying to cut the budget & she "retired" so been doing without, now think I really need someone again, don't know what the going rate is nowadays, will soon find out. Hope all have a great day Take Care

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Re: What's cooking this July in your kitchen?

Some of you are getting rain? Well darn it anyhow. Supposedly this weekend we will have some. NO ONE really believes it quite frankly. So discouraging. Am so upset over my property - just cannot seem to get anything looking half way decent or even half way healthy.


Now on the the subject of this thread. Did NOT cook one single thing tonight. Again, my fridge is full of junk, top of fridge is overloaded with open bags of chips, etc. Zack is here tonight - the kids Mom is NOT - so they have been given marching orders. TV goes off at 11 - Lord help them if I wake up - which I will - and find them still watching the boob tube. I finished up my Moose Track Ice cream tonight - what a great dinner that was - and the kids had plenty of good food in addition to the various chips.


The fire which was deliberately set yesterday in the hills in front of me is 100 percent contained - thank goodness. Did not see any smoke at all before dark so feel it is out. We seem to have an overabundance of jerks. Once again someone was flying a drone which delayed the firefighters a tad more than 10 minutes getting started. One minute makes a huge difference - those people should be arrested and incarcerated for life. So that is that.


Dinner tomorrow? Who knows?Man Tongue

As usual, just rambling tonight.
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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: What's cooking this July in your kitchen?

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,191
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What's cooking this July in your kitchen?

I have mentioned paying $35 for a ton of food every month. Couple things I got last Saturday - and never before - are small containers of cooking oil - these are Star Cuisine made with olive oil and it is Italian Basil (infused oil). Boy howdy does it smell good. Will let you know what the end result is of using it. Have a chuck roast in the slow cooker with a huge sweet onion - of course - cut celery and a medley of bell peppers (organics and all very small but many different colors - some I have never seen before) - and I emptied out a lot of this oil in there. Sure does smell good.  Also have a big pot of fresh green beans flavored with some pork - yes indeed. Now if I have potatoes I am not sure. Have so much pasta I may use some of that - have so much of it. This is for dinner tonight. Have three teens here so am sure none will be left whatever I fix. LOL.


While quite warm here it is not as hot as yesterday - thank goodness.

NIghts are still pretty cool and am happy about that.


Hope all had a great day and your evening will be any better. Betty, are you still busy as a bee?