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Re: What's cooking this July in your kitchen?

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: What's cooking this July in your kitchen?

Right back at you Preds.


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Re: What's cooking this July in your kitchen?

Morning all,

Hope this finds everyone doing well.


We had rain most of the day yesterday and again last night. This morning it is coming down but very softly. (sorry Winifred, I would send some of it if I could.)


Last night was a hamburger patty, sliced onions/tomatoes, and califlower with cheese. Not very exciting but I just wasn't in the mood to cook.


I am going out for lunch and for dinner so it will be slim pickings here. DH will go with me to meet high school friends for  lunch. He will be on his own for dinner.


Thanks, Preds, for your pictures. Always a delight to check them in the morning.


Best to all, enjoy the day.

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Re: What's cooking this July in your kitchen?

Morning, tried making beef ribs last nite, very tough, maybe didn't cook long enough, so even tho it's summer am going to make soup today, it is a bit chilly so it'll be ok, I'll add some mini meatballs & pasta so it should be good We've had rain also, I know Winifred, trying to send some your way. Hope all are well & Preds pix are the bomb! Take Care

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Registered: ‎04-26-2013

Re: What's cooking this July in your kitchen?

Soushi, just heard on the news re:storms near your area? hope you are ok

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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: What's cooking this July in your kitchen?

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Posts: 4,191
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What's cooking this July in your kitchen?

Preds, that is one of the cutest pix you have posted. Love it!!!!! And a good morning to you too.


Soushi, hope things are well in your part of the country.


Out here I AM FREEZING!!!! Can you believe it. Now, not to be concerned as in a few hours we will be back in the sweating routine. Weather is unbelievably overcast and the temp is about 50 I think. Actually it feels colder. Slept like a log last night - I sleep really well in COLD weather. Even in the winter I turn my heat off and snooze pretty well.


NO cooking last night - gave orders that the Fridge would be cleaned out as It was FULL of cooked food and all were griping there was nothing to eat. Well, interestingly enough when I came home from the Fourth of July party at the Yucaipa SEnior Center - it was super good - my house was empty. Haven't seen any of them yet. LOL. Fridge still with the food so I ate like a pig last night and I did a good job all by myself.


We had great hot dogs with any fixings you wanted on them and root beer floats. Country Western Singer - Brent Payne - was outstanding. He had a genius on the electric guitar with him - did not get his name - but it was a great two hours. Brent said next Wednesday evening they will be in Cherry Vally at the park there - it is the greatest park you would ever want to see - with an ensemble of 20. WOW!!! Would love to go but no fun going by myself - maybe I can talk a friend into going.


Dinner tonight? Still time to think about it but will probably have those pizza thingies I almost had a couple nights ago. Am leery of fixing a regular dinner when I am not sure who will be here - that is what fills my Fridge. Those little pizzas can be tossed in the microwave - kids love them - and toss a salad. Nothing wrong with that.


Hope all have a great day!!!

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Re: What's cooking this July in your kitchen?

[ Edited ]
Lots of good eating in Fort Wayne this week. Not that it is good for you. The Three Rivers Festivak started yesterday. You can get elephant ears, deep fried anything. They also have salads and veggies. The rivers are too high to have the raft race or to kayak on. Still there will be a huge parade. The parade was today and it is the first time in over 30 years we didn't have a kid in the band. Our ex son in law is the band director for Snider and if one of his grandkids is not playing an instrument, he has them carrying the banner. This year his two oldest are with their dad and at 4 years old Natalue is too young to carry banner. It was nice to sleep in and not worry about finding a parking place and then lugging chairs to spots along the parade route. We will watch part of it on TV in ac. Hot today
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What's cooking this July in your kitchen?

That is hard to believe Betty that you have no kids in that band - I can recall you ALWAYS talking about which one was in there. Wow!!! What a record your family has set with that marvelous band. Also sounds like good eating for sure. Hey, I FROZE this morning and then have been sweltering this afternoon. Darn it, guess our marvelous chilly weather is a thing of the past. Sigh.


"THEY" came back so had to have something to eat - my peace and quiet did not last long enough. I worry so about the kids Mother, she obviously has a very serious mental/emotional difficulty and no one can convince her to go to a MD - she has needed attention in that area for many years. Had a great dinner with very little to do actually. Today I picked up my Side by Side in Beaumont which I order monthly. $35 and you get at least 70 pounds of food - ALL GOOD. This is not controlled by income as anyone can order it - always a good deal. Probably had more than $100 worth of good food today. At least 8 pounds of the white/red cherries - soooooooo good, organic collards, celery, tomatoes, yellow squash, head of lettuce and a couple other things in the veggie line. A case of Greek Yogurt, lots of organic spring rolls - ;like egg rolls actually, 4 loaves of fresh bread A huge container of marinara sauce (sp) (like at least a gallon, perhaps bigger)  and strawberries, grapes - you name it - quite a lot. Also two packages of excellent prepared slaw.. Several bags of chips,  frozen pasta and a zillion other things. Also an entire case of different canned goods and a few boxes of potato stuff.  SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I  heated up the roast in gravy I had several nights ago, opened a container of the slaw I got, fixed pasta I got with prepared Alfredo sauce and I cooked the organic collards I got. A super good meal with very little preparation and the cost?? What a bargain. Did I mention there was also a fresh pineapple. Problem I sometimes have is where to put it all. Right now the Fridge, Freezer, Cubgoards and a cabinet in the carport are STUFFED!!





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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: What's cooking this July in your kitchen?

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."