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I made Stuffed Tomatoes, Peppers and Zucchini.

Stuffed with beef, rice, and aromatic spices.

Topped the with Greek feta cheese the placed the veggie tops back on and oven baked them surrounded by additional stuffing.

Was really delicious with a Greek salad, home made bread, and Retsina wine.

Carvel ice cream cake slices for dessert.

I like to share so reply if you desire, if not enjoy whatever you are preparing for dinner.

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: What's cooking for dinner?

I made beef strogonoff. Had some sirloin in the freezer and simmered it all day with augur, onion, garlic and mushrooms. Added some sour cream and No Yoks noodles with a sad and rusty tools. I am so full. Leftovers tomorrow. Now I am sleepy. DH is already napping.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What's cooking for dinner?

On 3/29/2015 chips said:

I made beef strogonoff. Had some sirloin in the freezer and simmered it all day with augur, onion, garlic and mushrooms. Added some sour cream and No Yoks noodles with a sad and rusty tools. I am so full. Leftovers tomorrow. Now I am sleepy. DH is already napping.

Hey chips,

Beef stroganoff with no yolk egg noodles is a favorite of ours too.

Get some rest, and enjoy your scrumptious leftovers tomorrow.

I completely understand how it is easy to overeat when food is so tasty, and that is what makes a person feel sleepy.

I always felt that way at large Sunday beloved deceased Mother used to warn us kids that our eyes are bigger than our stomachs.....and Bless her sweet heart and wisdom, because she was so right....but as usual tasted so good{#emotions_dlg.w00t}.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: What's cooking for dinner?

Swedish Meatballs in Egg Noodles and crescent rolls with salad

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Posts: 3,056
Registered: ‎01-30-2015

Re: What's cooking for dinner?

On 3/29/2015 chips said:

I made beef strogonoff. Had some sirloin in the freezer and simmered it all day with augur, onion, garlic and mushrooms. Added some sour cream and No Yoks noodles with a sad and rusty tools. I am so full. Leftovers tomorrow. Now I am sleepy. DH is already napping.

How weird, that is what I am making! It all started this morning at the market when I got a really good deal on mushrooms....

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What's cooking for dinner?

On 3/29/2015 tigriss said:

Swedish Meatballs in Egg Noodles and crescent rolls with salad

Hi tigriss,

Another one of our favorites, and thank you so very much for also posting.

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Registered: ‎08-29-2010

Re: What's cooking for dinner?

It was Apple Kielbasa Bake for us tonight.

Strive for respect instead of attention. It lasts longer.
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Registered: ‎07-25-2010

Re: What's cooking for dinner?

Sesame chicken wings

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Posts: 1,401
Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: What's cooking for dinner?

We had grilled salmon and salad.
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Posts: 2,579
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What's cooking for dinner?

On 3/29/2015 IamMrsG said:

It was Apple Kielbasa Bake for us tonight.

Another delicious treat IamMrsG.